See the Full Survey Completed by the Candidates

Click on the name of the Candidate below to see their completed survey.  Candidates appearing on the GOP primary ballot on May 16, 2017.  They responded to the 5 page, 47 question survey sent to them by Conservative Christian Center which together with York County Action e-newsletter announced the results to a “Candidate Forum” on May 5 at the Wyndam Garden Hotel, York PA at which most of the candidates also spoke.

PA Supreme Court

Emil Giordano

Wade A. Kagerise

Paula Patrick

Craig Stedman

Commonwealth Court

Paul Lalley

Judge of Common Pleas

Amber Anstine-Kraft

Timothy Barker

Charles Hobbs

James G. Mann

Matt Menges

Kathleen Prendergast

Sandra Thompson

Peter Vaughn

Clyde Vedder

District Attorney

Jonelle Harter-Eshbach

David Sunday


Pam Gay

Recorder of Deeds

Brad Daugherty

Laura Shue


Julie Haertsch

Bonner Smith

Magesterial Disrtict Judge

Michael Ebersole

Lindy Sweeney

Please help us pay for the expenses of the meetings, news media releases, Facebook page promotion, candidate questionnaire, Voter Guide, e-newsletter.  If you won’t help, who will?  If you don’t help us now, we simply cannot continue.  Please make a donation today HERE.

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