9 candidates earn “A” from Conservative Christian Center

Some of the 9 candidates whose response to the Questionnaire of Conservative Christian Center who earned an A rating: Matt Menges, Michael Ebersole, Laura Shue, Jonelle Harter-Eshbach, Julie Haertsch.

Nine candidates who appear on the GOP primary ballot May 16 have received an “A” rating from the Conservative Christian Center (CCC), which held a “Candidate Forum” on May 5 at the Wyndham Garden York Hotel, with York County Action, where most of the York County candidates spoke to the full capacity event with keynote remarks by local radio personality Gary Sutton.  The ratings were based on the candidates response to a 5 page, 47 question survey they returned and which is now posted for voters to see in its entirety at their website, ConservativeChristianCenter.org (blog of 5/14, HERE).

The “Value Voters Guide” being distributed by Conservative Christian Center, features the ratings of candidates who appear on the May 16 GOP primary ballot, their answers to 10 questions (1 additional for attorneys) and the faith statement of all of the “A” rated candidates.

CCC is distributing a brochure with the answers to the top 10 questions asked of the candidates along with the ratings and the “faith statement” of the candidates who earned an “A” rating at Church services on Sunday and through the balloting on Monday and at the polling places.  The candidates rankings follow.  (to obtain the PDF of the 8 1/2 by 14 inch, 2 sides, black ink only “Value Voters Guide” – the top part is pictured to your right – click HERE.

Please help us pay for the expenses of the meetings, news media releases, Facebook page promotion, candidate questionnaire, Voter Guide, e-newsletter.  If you won’t help, who will?  If you don’t help us now, we simply cannot continue.  Please make a donation today HERE.

For Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Wade A. Kagarise and Paula Patrick earned the top ranking of “A.”  Emil Giordano earned a “B” rating while Craig Stedman’s responses garnered him a “C.”

For York County District Attorney, Jonelle Harter-Eschbach earned the top rank of “A”, while her opponent David Sunday earned a “C.”

In the race for three seats as a York County Judge of Common Pleas, an “A” was awarded to Matt Menges and James G. Mann, while Peter Vaughn and Clyude Vedder earned a “B” rating.  The “C” rating was awarded to Amber Anstine-Kraft, Timothy Barker, Charles Hobbs, Kathleen Prendergast and Sandra Thompson.  The lower rated candidates either indicated “undecided” or said they believe it would be a conflict for them to answer questions, in contrast with the top-rated candidates who were less reticent about their views on issues of importance to the conservatives.

To see the full 5 page, 47 questionnaire response of EACH candidate who appears on the GOP primary ballot Tuesday, May 16 in York County, and who is interested in the vote of conservative, church going Christians click HERE.

In the race for Recorder of Deeds, Laura Shue was awarded the top score of “A” while her rival, Brad Daugherty, earned a respectable “B” rating with Ron Miller being given a “D” for “did not reply.”  The race for Controller saw Julie Haertsch and Bonner Smith both earn an “A” rating although the more inspiring “faith statement” by Haertsch was carried in the group’s “Value Voter Guide.”

In the race for Magesterial District Judge, Michael Ebersole came out on top with an “A” rating versus his rivals, Lindy Sweeney with a “C” and Michael Caum with a “D” (for “did not reply.”).  For Commonwealth Court, the questionnaire responses of Paul Lalley earned him an “A” rating while his rival, Christian Cannon, was awarded a “D.”

Candidate for reelection, County Coroner Pam Gay, who in the past has been very well received by the York County Action group, received a “C” rating after not answering most of the questions because she felt they were not relevant.

A “Salute to Jay McKiernan” – the former State and York County Action of PA Chairman (Americans for Christian Traditions in our nation) video segment shown at the Candidate Forum, was narrated by York County Commissioner Chris Reilly, a past York County Action “Man of the Year” award winner.  Reilly introduced a parade of notables on the video to give thanks to Jay for his lifetime of volunteer service to the conservative and Christian cause, including  Congressman Scott Perry, a  message from U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, and local political leaders who have worked with Jay such as two former York County Action “Men of the Year, State Representatives Seth Grove and Will Tallman, Lancaster County Action of PA Chairman Bob Kettering, Chairman Emeritus of York County Action Ron Cohen.

Guest of honor, Jay McKiernan, with his wife Debbie, accepted the “Lifetime Achievement” plaque from event MC Gary Sutton, York County chairman emeritus, Dr. Ken Gibson (founder of the Keystone Bible Institute) and past York County Action leaders who worked with Jay, who has retired from active leadership while battling a rare neurological disease.

While York County Action (an e-newsletter) and Conservative Christian Center are part of a non-profit organization and do not endorse candidates, the audience was provided candidate answers to 10 of the questions that determined their ranking, then heard from most of them, then voted in the “Straw Poll” to give them a ranking of from 10 (high) down to 0 (low).  The winners of that “straw poll” contest will be announced on the Monday before election day.  Those interested in getting the detailed survey results may visit ConservativeChristianCenter.org or inquire at Info@ConservativeChristianCenter.org to be placed on their free e-newsletter list.

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