Jonelle Harter-Eshbach beat David Sunday for District Attorney in the Straw Poll of the May 5 “Candidate Forum of the Conservative Christian Center and York County Action it was announced today. Both spoke at the event, held at the Wyndham Garden York Hotel. Their questionnaire answers for the groups were posted at the website of Conservative Christian Center with Eshbach earning an “A” rating while Sunday earned “C.” The room was packed to full capacity of 75 people who had the chance to score each candidate from 0 to 10. Eshback scored 357 vs Sunday 293.
To see the full 5 page, 47 questionnaire response of EACH candidate who appears on the GOP primary ballot Tuesday, May 16 in York County, and who is interested in the vote of conservative, church going Christians click HERE.

Matthew D. Menges, whose questionnaire earned him an “A” rating, came in first place for York County Court of Common Pleas with a commanding victory of 394 points. The “C” rated Timothy Barker finished second at 336 points while the “B” rated Clyde Vedder won third place with a 311 points score. There are three open seats with 9 candidates.
Please help us pay for the expenses of the meetings, news media releases, Facebook page promotion, candidate questionnaire, Voter Guide, e-newsletter. If you won’t help, who will? If you don’t help us now, we simply cannot continue. Please make a donation today HERE.
The other candidates for Judge for Common Pleas scored: 4th place Charles Hobbs (rating “C”) 299 points, 5th place Kathleen Prendergast (“C” rating), 6th place James Guthrie Mann (“A” rating) 258 points, Sandra Thompson (“C” rating) 228 points, Amber Anstine-Kraft (“C” rating) 211 points and last place for Peter Vaughn with no points (“B” rating but he did not attend).
Laura Shue (“A” rating) with a score of 320 decisively beat Brad Daugherty (Score “B”) 206 points and Ron Miller with a “D” rating (did not respond).
Julie Haertsch (score “A” and points 299) narrowly edged out Bonner Smith (also score “A” with 289 points) after both spoke to the group.
Michael Eberrsole swept the Magesterial District Judge Race after earning an “A” rating from the group for his questionnaire answers and 302 points from the audience after his remarks versus his no-show opponent, Lindy Sweeney (“C” rating and 68 points) and no-show Michael Caum (“D” for did not respond rating and no points).
The Commonwealth Court Judge race saw the “C” rated Paul Lalley earn 60 votes versus the “D” rated Christine Cannon with no votes after both did not appear.
None of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court candidates appeared but the “A” rated Paula Patrick got the top score with 55 points, followed by Wade Alan with a “C” rated questionnaire earning 39 points, Emil Giordano with his “C” rating and 32 points, and no votes/points for the “C” rated Craig Stedman.
Nine candidates who appear on the GOP primary ballot May 16 have received an “A” rating from the Conservative Christian Center, which held a “Candidate Forum” on May 5 at the Wyndham Garden York Hotel, with York County Action, where most of the York County candidates spoke to the full capacity event with keynote remarks by local radio personality Gary Sutton. The ratings were based on the candidates’ response to a 5 page, 47 question survey they returned and which is now posted for voters to see in its entirety at their website, ConservativeChristianCenter.org (blog of 5/14).
The group distributed a brochure with the answers to the top 10 questions asked of the candidates along with the ratings and the “faith statement” of the candidates who earned an “A” rating at Church services on Sunday and will continue to distribute the brochures on Monday and at the polling places. The brochure is also available at their website.
York County Action (an e-newsletter) and Conservative Christian Center are part of a non-profit organization and do not endorse candidates. The overflow, standing room only audience at the May 5 “Candidate Forum” was provided candidate answers to 10 of the questions that determined their ranking, heard from most of them, then voted in the “Straw Poll” to give them a ranking of from 10 (high) down to 0 (low). For the detailed 5 page, 47 question survey results as returned by the candidates may visit ConservativeChristianCenter.org or inquire at Info@ConservativeChristianCenter.org to be placed on their free e-newsletter list. “We thank all of the candidates who participated in our survey and who spoke at our May 5 Candidates Night, wish them well in the May 16 primary, and strongly urge conservative, Church-going Christians to study this information and to vote this Tuesday” said CCC in a statement.