Ratings to be announced tonight at Candidate Forum

The new “Values Voter Guide” for the Tuesday, May 15 Primary Election is at the Printer right now, will be distributed at tonight’s Candidate Forum with CCC ratings of the candidates.

Final call to attend free event tonight sponsored by Conservative Christian Center and York County Action to help you choose Party Nominees in Tuesday Primary

Ratings of the candidates on the May 15 primary election ballot will be announced at tonight’s Candidate Forum of the Conservative Christian Center and York County Action, open for free admission to the public from 7 PM to 9 PM with a free “meet the candidates” gathering a half hour earlier at 6:30 PM, at the Upper Room Missionary Church, Community Room, 1401 Williams Road, York PA 17402 near the York Galleria off Rt. 30.  Nineteen candidates or their surrogate speakers will be there.  A larger number of candidates have sent their answers to our questionnaire.

The new “VALUE VOTERS GUIDE” will be provided for attendees showing the newly released ratings, from Zero (for those who did not respond) on up to 100% perfect score.  Fourteen candidates were rated a perfect 100% rating.  The majority of candidates on the ballot this Tuesday scored less than 100% including many as low as a “Zero” rating.

Don’t miss seeing the candidates who think enough of the value voters in York County that they will be there to speak to you tonight – or who are sending a surrogate to speak to you.  And we thank those candidates who, even if they could not be with us tonight, at least sent in their completed 12 question survey.

There will be a secret ballot vote for attendees to select your favorite candidates from Governor, U.S. Senator, State Senator and State Representative.  The results of this “straw poll” will be announced on the website and to the news media after the Candidate Forum.

We will also have available extra copies of the “Value Voter Guide” for you to hand out at your church and at your polling place on Tuesday.

We can print additional copies of the VOTER GUIDE if we have sufficient donations to pay for tonight’s Candidate Forum and have funds left – provided that there are volunteers who want extra copies.  Please let us know if you can pledge a donation (including the amount) or if you would like extra copies of the Voter Guide.  The cost is about $90 per 500 copies (2 sides, 8 ½ by 14).

We remind our readers and supporters that Conservative Christian Center is affiliated with a non-profit recognized for over 30 years by the IRS as a 501/c/4 and thus, your donation is not tax deductible (which allows the organization to support or oppose specific legislation).

Finally it isn’t too late to add you to the attendees to the private dinner from 5:30 to 6:30 PM tonight.  If you are willing to help support this event your dinner donation helps pay for the evening expenses.  If you are an activist on a tight budget, we would welcome extra volunteer help at the Candidate Forum.

Please contact the York Chairman of Conservative Christian Center, Emy Delgaudio, at York@ConservativeChristianCenter.org if you can help or to reserve a spot tonight.

Any candidate who attends the dinner also has additional minutes to speak to this group of our best supporters and activists at the dinner itself.  Besides up to 5 minutes for each candidate, the meeting will also hear from Conservative Christian Center South Central PA Coordinator Ross Cleveland, York CCC chairman Emy Delgaudio, Robert Cosgrove (who for the third time did the yeoman work of tabulating the candidate questionnaire’s including the ones that came in so late and kept him and the chairman up half of last night working on), CCC Advisors and York County Action Chairmen Emeritus, Dr. Ken Gibson and Ron Cohen.

A last minute seating at the dinner is still possible ($25 each, couple for $45, $15 for student with a student ID).  You may bring a check to the event but it is an absolute requirement to email your wish to attend (with how many seats), to York@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.

Past articles about this event have more details:

Everybody claims they’re conservative in May 15 GOP primary; Conservative Christian Center Ratings to be released at free Candidate Forum Saturday night, co-sponsored by York County Action; Here comes the truth: Score from Zero to 100 to be announced

Free York Candidate Forum for May 15 Primary set for May 12; State Representatives Kristine Phillips-Hill, Seth Grove and Statewide and local candidates sponsored by Conservative Christian Center and York County Action

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