Free York Candidate Forum for May 15 Primary set for May 12

State Representatives Kristine Phillips-Hill, Seth Grove and Statewide and local candidates sponsored by Conservative Christian Center and York County Action

The Conservative Christian Center and York County Action are sponsoring a free “Candidate Forum” to help local voters choose among the candidates on the May 15 primary, to be held this Saturday night at the Upper Room Missionary Church, Community Room, 1401 Williams Road, York PA 17402.  Confirmed speakers include State Representative Kristine Phillips-Hill, seeking the GOP nomination for State Senator, and past York County Action “Statesman of the Year” Representative Seth Grove, seeking renomination.  State Rep. Phillips-Hill is the unanimous choice of the York CCC Board for the 2018 “Statesman of the Year” to be presented at the September annual breakfast.

2nd photo: Rep. Scott Perry with Ron Cohen after surprising him with a “York County Action” Chairman Emeritus award at the 2017 Statesman of the Year Award; York CCC Chairman Emy Delgaudio, and Dr. Ken Gibson

Candidates, supporters, donors and CCC officers are also invited to a private dinner just before the Candidate Forum and at the same location (in a different room), from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM which will be catered.  The suggested donation is $25 per dinner, $45 per couple and $15 students (with a student ID).  There will be up-front reserved seating at the Candidate Forum for those who purchase a dinner ticket.  Smart candidates who realize the advantate to them of buying dinner tickets will not only meet our best volunteers and donors at the private dinner but will also have the up-front seating.  Candidates who do not read much or pay attention to details, are expected to complain about the advantage to their rivals just as they did at last year’s Candidate Forum.

Other candidates who will either attend or who are sending a surrogate to speak for them include:

(pictured Left to Right) Rep. Kristine Phillips-Hill, Rep. Seth Grove, Rep. Dawn Keefer, Lt. Gov. candidate Diana Irey Vaughan, Lt. Gov. candidate Pat Luksik, a surrogate for Gov. candidate Paul Mango, (2nd row, from L to R) Lt. Gov candidate Kathleen Coder, U.S. Senate candidate Jim Christiana III, U.S. Congress candidate Chet Beiler, State Rep. candidate Joshua Hershey, State Rep. candidate Matthew Jansen, state rep. candidate Michael Jones.

Master of Ceremonies for the Candidate Forum will be Ron Cohen, with the Forum Chaplain who will lead the traditional prayer for all candidates at end, Dr. Ken Gibson.  Both are Chairmen Emeritus of York County Action and Conservative Christian Center Advisors.  Putting in an appearance will be the York CCC Chairman, Emy Delgaudio.

Dinner is with an advance RSVP only – bring your check ($25 each, $45 for a couple, $15 for student with student ID), write York@ConservativeChristianCenter.

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