Conservative Christian Center Ratings to be released at free Candidate Forum Saturday night, co-sponsored by York County Action; Here comes the truth: Score from Zero to 100 to be announced

Voters still trying to decide between candidates on the ballot for the GOP nomination this coming Tuesday can get help at a free Candidate Forum tomorrow – Saturday May 12 – sponsored by Conservative Christian Center and York County Action from 7 to 9 PM at the Upper Room Missionary Church, Community Room, 1401 Williams Road, York PA 17402 near the York Galleria off Rt. 30. Nineteen candidates or their surrogate speakers will be there. A larger number of candidates have sent their answers to our questionnaire.
The dinner that helps subsidize the free evening event is at the same location, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM, and is only $25 per person, couple $45, students (with student ID) $15 – BUT YOU MUST RSVP IN ADVANCE to
From 6:30 to 7 PM there is a free “meet and greet” in honor of the candidates.

Many of the voters and conservative activists who will be present say this is the main method they use to determine who they will vote for. The 3rd edition of the “Values Voter Guide” showing how candidates answered the questions asked of them, and the score they earned by those answers, will be published for the first time, with copies available for handout at Churches the next day and in front of polling places.
Watch for candidates who will be complaining that they were too busy to fill out the Questionnaire, or even more humorously, that they did not ever see it. CCC sent the survey questions out twice to all candidates and in many instances, followed up with phone calls and followup emails. Even at this late hour, any candidate can obtain the questionnaire by sending an email to (12 questions). Too late for the Value Voters Guide but, the fact that you responded can still be announced along with your score, on Saturday night – plus your guide will be viewable at our website.
There will be candidates, including incumbents, who “earn” a ZERO rating by their not having time to respond to the survey. Only one candidate actually earned a ZERO rating by how they responded to each question.
To those candidates who did take the time to answer our questions, we thank you and we wish you the very best in earning votes from our readership and those who attend the Candidate Forum on Saturday.
We know that voters on Tuesday who are handed this “Values Voter Guide” make use of it to decide their vote.
For those who were too busy to fill out our survey, we hope you change your mind next time, and decide that turning out the church-going, conservative voter crowd in York County PA is more important to you than it was for this May 15 primary.
Perhaps it is pure speculation on our part – but we think that many or most of those receiving this e-newsletter, visiting our website or Facebook page to read this information, and attending our Candidate Forum, will be far more impressed with those candidates who either attended the Forum and/or whose answers appear in our Value Voters Guide.
The alternative, is for you our dear reader, to say that you cast your ballot not with an informed conscience, but based upon your “liking” a candidate. We strongly urge our readers to “render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar’s.” That means, vote with an informed conscience,” for the candidate who comes closest to your own informed views on the critical issues of the day.
And that is the purpose of the Candidate Forum and the Values Voter Guide. We strongly urge you to support this effort by attending the Candidate Forum and if possible the dinner. We hope you will take some of the new “Value Voters Guide” home with you to hand out at your church and in front of your polling place on Tuesday (a copy will be available later, for free download from our website,
For more details about the Candidate Forum see our previous article HERE.