York Conservative Christian Candidate Forum Friday May 5

(L to R) May 5 Candidate Forum Attendees will hear from Radio Talk Show Personality Gary Sutton; Judge Candidates Clyde Vedder, Matt Menges, Chuck Hobbs; Former Action of PA State and York County Chairman Jay McKiernan; Former York County Action of PA (YCAPA) Chairman, Pastor Ken Gibson; (2nd row) Conservative Christian Center S. Central PA Coordinator Ross Cleveland, Executive Director US Public Policy Council (the parent non-profit corporation of Conservative Christian Center) Ronald Wilcox, and (2nd row) those who will appear on the “Salute to Jay McKierna Video,” narrator, York County Commissioner and past YCAPA “Man of the Year” Chris Reilly; U.S. Congressman Scott Perry; past YCAPA “Man of the Year,” State Rep. Seth Grove, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey. The video will also feature messages from others not shown here, including past YCAPA board member Ron Cohen, Lancaster County Action of PA Chairman Bob Kettering.

GOP May Primary Candidates Invited to Speak, Keynote Remarks by Radio Personality Gary Sutton, Candidate Survey Responses to be Distributed

Straw Poll for Attendees and “Salute to Jay McKiernan” video narrated by County Commissioner Chris Reilly, remarks by Congressman Scott Perry and others

A Candidate Forum will be co-sponsored by York County Action E-Newsletter and Conservative Christian Center to allow candidates on the GOP primary ballot on May 16 the chance to speak to the issues of concern to Church-going Christians.  Master of Ceremonies and Keynote Remarks by Radio Talk Show personality Gary Sutton will be featured at the Friday, May 5 event from 7 to 9 PM.

Reserve Your Seat at the Candidate Forum
click HERE|
(free 7 to 9 PM meeting doors open 6:30 PM;
optional come early for dinner 5:30 to 6:30 PM)

Gary Sutton is the Host of WSBA Morning News with Gary Sutton 6-9am weekdays on News Radio 910, WSBA.  He also regularly “tweets” messages that should be of special interest to conservatives click HERE.

A “Salute to Jay McKiernan” video segment for the evening will be narrated by York County Commissioner Chris Reilly, who has already secured videos to thank Jay for his lifetime of volunteer service to the conservative and Christian cause, with Congressman Scott Perry, and messages from United States Senator Pat Toomey and local political leaders and activists who have worked with Jay such as State Representative Seth Grove, the Lancaster County Action of PA Chairman Bob Kettering, former York and PA State director Ron Cohen and more.

The candidates for York County Court of Common Pleas, for statewide Judicial office and for local York County offices were all sent a letter this past week inviting them to attend and speak, and providing them a 5 page, 47-question Survey compiled by Ross Cleveland and his CCC team.  The invitation letter they were sent is HERE.

(we suggest that if you have a favorite candidate you may wish to forward that link and our questionnaire to make sure they fill this out and return it to us promptly.)

Candidate Survey (Questionnaire) Sent Last week:

The candidate survey as a PDF:

Word Document HERE.
 For candidates who wish to TYPE their response you may access the Word for Windows version at

The evening will conclude with a straw poll vote for the audience’s favorite candidates and a blessing and prayer for the candidates led by Pastor Ken Gibson, the former York County Action of PA chairman and Chaplain of the Conservative Christian Center.

The two hour event at the Wyngate Garden Hotel, 2000 Loucks Road, York PA (near the West Manchester Shopping Mall) is being organized by Ross Cleveland, the CCC South Central PA Coordinator and a team of former Action of PA leaders who include Monica Seitz, Emy Delgaudio, Gina Myers and new leaders such as Robert Cosgrove and Ronald Wilcox (of Northern VA, who is the Executive Director of the parent non-profit corporation of CCC) who comprise the “working group” of the south central PA area CCC.

The working group is hoping to meet additional conservative Christians willing to help them expand their activities and increase the number of church going Christians who vote in the May 16 primary and the November, 2017 general election.  If you wish to take a leadership role in the conservative Christian cause in south central PA write: SouthCentralPA@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.

Candidates were all sent a letter this past week inviting them to attend and speak, and providing them a 5 page, 47-question Survey compiled by Ross Cleveland and his CCC team.

One candidate who pledged to fill out the survey, told us that our questions will be a big help to church going conservatives in York, but could be very unpopular with some of the candidates who are asked their opinion on a variety of issues.

Within several days of the letter to candidates being sent out, we were advised that candidates Clyde Vedder, Chuck Hobbs and Matt Menges committed to attend and speak together with several other, non-judicial candidates on the May 16 GOP primary ballot.  Several who cited scheduling conflicts pledged to fill out and return the survey.

Ross Cleveland said in a letter being prepared to go out to past supporters of the conservative-Christian cause in York County, “Christian pastors who do their job, tell their congregations the importance of having an INFORMED conscience when voting for candidates in elections.”

“That means you need to know where you stand as a church-going, God fearing Christian American on the critical issues our officeholders and judges face,” continued Cleveland, “and you have to know how the candidates stand on those issues.”

The first candidate to send their survey is Lindy L. Sweeney, running for Magisterial District Judge for a district that includes Springfield, Shrewsbury and the Boroughs of Jacobus, Loganville, New Freedom, Glen Rock and Railroad.

At least 6 other candidates at a “Candidate Forum” of the American Bar Association of York County on April 27 told us they were working on their survey responses.

The Candidate Survey will be provided to attendees of the May 5 Candidate Forum, posted on this website and will be rated by a 3-Judge Panel of the Conservative Christian Center, which will issue a rating from A (best) to F (worst).  While CCC as a non-profit, non-partisan organization does not endorse candidates for office, the May 5 Candidate Forum will include a straw poll vote near the end, with the ratings given to candidates by the audience announced and then sent to the news media.

The “Salute to Jay McKiernan” video and remarks will be made during the evening, along with the speeches by the candidates.  There will be a private dinner with friends of Jay and those who wish to help lend their financial support to pay for this function, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM at the hotel.

To reserve one of the limited free seats at the 7 to 9 PM event (doors open 6:30 PM), or purchase a $45 dinner ticket (doors open 5 PM) HERE.

Or to reserve a free seat at the Candidate Forum write RSVP@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.

If you are a candidate and wish to obtain a copy of the 47 questions that enable you to TYPE your answer (so that you can then sign and send it to us as a PDF) click HERE.

To obtain a PDF of the candidate questionnaire click HERE.

The completed candidate survey should be sent (as a PDF) to Survey@ConservativeChristianCenter.org or as a FAX to (855) 788-1737.

Conservative Christian Center is hoping to raise the funds to distribute at least 10,000 “Candidate Guide” for the May 2017 GOP Primary utilizing the rating of the candidates and some of their answers (and a link for voters to obtain their full answers).  A minimum war chest of $2,000 for this York County effort is required.  Donations may be sent to Conservative Christian Center, 2159 White Street, Suite 3-149, York, PA 17404.  Donations can also be made online HERE.

The State Chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition has also been invited to kick off the May 5 meeting with remarks on the requirement for conservative Christians to vote with an informed conscience in primary and general elections, what that means, and how you can best do this.

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