Last Chance for The Case for Christ

Movie showtime in Camp Hill Today and Wednesday, and through Thursday in Lancaster, strongly recommended by Conservative Christian Center

This is your last chance to see and to share The Case for Christ movie within easy drive distance of York, PA, with showings today (Tuesday) and Wed. at Camp Hill and showings in Lancaster today through Thursday.  Movie Trailer HERE or click on image above.  We’ll have to wait to see if this movie, based on a best selling classic, is going to be showing any more.  A team of six individuals went to see the “preview” of the movie last Thursday in Lancaster, led by CCC Movie Night Coordinator Monica Seitz, who had originally recommended it.  All six came away very impressed and highly recommends the movie to you.

Here are two good reasons for you to schedule a visit with you, your family, some friends, right within the next two days to see this movie, which is highly recommended by Conservative Christian Center.

First, you have the chance to “vote” for the movie – and with enough such “votes” the movie will continue playing and making “The Case for Christ.”

Second, it is the best movie for Christians since God’s Not Dead – and made by the same theater.

Here’s the details.

Lancaster, PA
Regal Manor Stadium 16
1246 Millersville Pike, Lancaster, PA 17603
(844) 462-7342
Tues., April 11 at 7:25, 10:15 PM
Wed., April 12, 10:30 AM, 1:30, 4:30, 7:25, 10:15 PM
Thurs., April 13, 10:30 AM, 1:30, 4:30, 7:25, 10-:15 PM
No Friday or later showings scheduled at this time.

Camp Hill, PA
AMC Camp Hill 12
3432 Simpson Ferry Rd., Camp Hill, PA 17011
Tuesday, April 11 at 6:40, 9:20 PM
Wed., April 12 at 1:10, 3:50, 6:40 PM
No Friday or later showings scheduled at this time.

Please don’t forget to mark your calendar to attend the “Candidate Forum” on Friday, May 5, details below.

Candidate Forum of York County Conservative Christian Center Friday May 5, 7 to 9 PM

There will be a Candidate Forum of York County Conservative Christian Center on Friday May 5, from 7 to 9 PM at the Wyndham Garden Hotel at the West Manchester Shopping Mall.  The event will include a special SALUTE to Jay McKiernan for a lifetime of dedication to the cause.  Candidates for York County Judge (Court of Common Pleas) are invited to speak.  Their responses to a candidate questionnaire will be distributed to attendees at the free event.  To reserve a spot at the Forum (limited seating) or for the dinner (from 5:30 to 6:30 PM, doors open 5 PM) write

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