Do you still approve of President Trump?

Robert Kettering shown with York County Action co-founder Ron Cohen at Cohen’s house during the video taping of both for the “Salute to Jay McKiernan” at the Friday, May 5 “Candidate Forum.” The video is narrated by Commissioner Chris Reilly.  Kettering is author of the feature article in this issue.

As we close in on our first election-focused meeting of the year 2017 – our free Candidate Forum this Friday from 7 to 9 PM – we thought we’d share a message to commemorate the recent passing of the 100 day mark of the administration of President Donald Trump.  Liberals seem shocked that after all their tantrums including continuing violent acts, polls this week showed that MOST all of us who elected Donald Trump as President, remain VERY happy with our choice.  In fact, if the election were held over again, Donald Trump would have an even LARGER victory margin than he did in November.  A message we will share (below) by Lancaster County Action Chairman Bob Kettering splendidly advances this view.

5/5 Candidate Forum Flyer (PDF) HERE
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Buy a dinner ticket, or donate HERE.

A newsletter we encountered at a Breakfast meeting of Lancaster County Action recently, has a great front page article by their President, Robert Kettering, which addresses this subject.

With his permission, we reprint his message below.  We also note that Bob Kettering is also one of the half dozen or more people on the “Salute to Jay McKiernan” video narrated by York County Commissioner Chris Reilly – watch it this Friday night when we present a “Lifetime Achievement” Award to Jay McKiernan at the Candidate Forum.

The others include Congressman Scott Perry, Reilly’s fellow, past York County Action “Statesmen of the Year” award recipients, Representatives Will Tallman and Seth Grove, York County Action co-founder Ron Cohen, and our Senator, Pat Toomey.

One more of several good reasons to be there with us for the “Candidate Forum” and “Salute to Jay McKiernan (free) meeting from 7 to 9 PM (doors open 6:30 PM) this Friday night at the Wyndham Garden Hotel near the West Manchester mall.  Now, here’s Bob Kettering.

Pleasing Conservatives and Fighting Fake News

It’s only been three* months but so far President Trump is pursuing an agenda that is pleasing most conservatives.  First, by executive order, he has reversed many of President Obama’s executive orders and canceled millions of his last minute “executive order spe3nding.”

Secondly, he has appointed one of the most conservative cabinets in many years, including Dr. Ben Carson as Secretary of HUD, and Betsy DeVos, a long-time proponent of school choice, as Secretary of Education.

Third, he has fulfilled a campaign promise by nominating Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the sudden death of Judge Scalia.

He has also delighted conservatives by taking on the liberal press, challenging their inaccurate and biased reporting, even calling some of it “fake news.”

“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!” — President Ronald Reagan (from the Cal Thomas article Bob refers to)

And fourth, his recent budget proposal is one of the most conservative budgets in years, transferring power and wealth from Washington back to the people. (see Cal Thomas’ article on Trump’s budget on Page 2… editor reminder, this article is a reprint from the Lancaster County Action 4 page newsletter; to read the Cal Thomas article which Bob Kettering refers to, click HERE)

Democrats are obstructing his agenda at their every opportunity, but so far the President seems to be intent on delivering on his promises and on beginning to “drain the swamp,” but after two months into the battle, it is becoming apparent that those “swamp creatures” are a hearty bunch and do not intend to go without a fight.

Please pray for this administration for wisdom, guidance and courage and that God will use them mightily to heal our land.”

By Robert Kettering, Chairman of Lancaster County Action


Past articles on the subject of the Friday Night “Candidate Night” as follows:

(4/28) York Conservative Christian Candidate Forum Friday May 5; GOP May Primary Candidates Invited to Speak, Keynote Remarks by Radio Personality Gary Sutton, Candidate Survey Responses to be Distributed; Straw Poll for Attendees and “Salute to Jay McKiernan” video narrated by County Commissioner Chris Reilly, remarks by Congressman Scott Perry and others  …


(4/30) You are invited to Candidate Forum this Friday; York County Action joins with Conservative Christian Center to co-sponsor a free Candidate Forum this Friday, May 5 from 7 to 9 PM at the Wyndham Garden Hotel; Radio Personality Gary Sutton, Pastor Ken Gibson to speak, all candidates on the May 16 GOP Primary Ballot invited  …

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