Senator Mike Folmer Confirmed for Saturday Annual Breakfast

State Sen. Mike Folmer, shown here at the May 9, 2014 Action Value Voters Rally of York County Action, will speak this Sat. at the York County Action and Conservative Christian Center breakfast.

Conservative Christian Center and York County Action Add to Lineup for Candidate Forum and annual Statesman of the Year Breakfast on Saturday, October 6 at Country Club of York

The Conservative Christian Center and York County Action announced today that State Senator Mike Folmer has confirmed to speak at the Candidate Forum and annual Statesman of the Year Breakfast on Saturday, October 6 at the Country Club of York at 8:30 AM.  Senator Folmer joins with Congressman Scott Perry and State Representative Seth Gove in helping to present the Statesman of the Year Award to Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill (register to attend HERE).

Senator Folmer will speak as a Candidate for reelection but will also be asked to take extra time to speak about and help present the “Statesman of the Year” Award to State Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill.  If Rep. Phillips-Hill wins her race for State Senate she will become a colleague of Senator Folmer starting in January, 2019.

Senator Folmer has been a key player in the ongoing efforts to eliminate school property taxes. In 2015, Folmer and other advocates fell just one vote shy in getting these much needed and long overdue reforms passed by the Pennsylvania Senate. “I continue to believe no tax should have the power to leave you homeless,” says Senator Folmer, “and I remain a tireless fighter in the battle to eliminate school property taxes.”

As Chairman Emeritus of York County Action and Advisor to Conservative Christian Center, Dr. Ken Gibson will lead the prayer for all candidates to conclude the breakfast.

There will be an 8 AM VIP Coffee and Photo Op with the Speakers for Host Committee and table sponsors, HERE.

Past Statesman of the Year in York County include County Commissioner Chris Reilly, State Rep. Will Tallman, State Rep. Seth Grove, and Congressman Scott Perry.  The award has become so popular that last year’s breakfast was at full capacity, and now another group in York County has copied the exact same award title, also presenting a “Statesman of the Year” Award to our choice last year, Congressman Scott Perry.  Perhaps their next award might be presented to Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill also.

We still have breakfast tickets available for this Saturday, although the deadline for ordering enough meals to cover attendees is fast approaching.  Register to attend ($35 per person, $65 for a couple, $5 for pastors and students) HERE.

Statesman of the Year Breakfast honoring Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill
Saturday, October 6, at 8:30 AM
Intro and Remarks by Congressman Scott Perry and State Rep. Seth Grove
Also CANDIDATE FORUM – all candidates invited to speak
New Value Voter Guide to be Announced with ratings of Candidates
At Country Club of York
8 AM VIP Coffee & Host Committee with Speakers for Table Sponsors, Host Committee
(see Eventbrite Page)
Only $5 admission for Pastors, students (must register & show ID at door)
Register to Attend:


Value Voters Guide & the Missing Candidates

BULLETIN: As our Wed. nite deadline for candidates to return to us the Candidate Survey (questionnaire) with 10 questions comes ever closer, we are sad to report that numerous candidates have not responded to the email we sent to them asking their participation.

CCC will rank candidates A (best) to C (worst) based on their answers.  A “D” rating will be given to candidates who did not respond.  The final Value Voters Guide will be distributed for the first time at the Breakfast this Saturday, by this newsletter and website post, Facebook post at our page, by our members at Churches during the final weeks before election day and at some precincts on election day.

Donations are urgently requested for this purpose, and proceeds from the breakfast will be used to pay for this printing.

The missing candidates are: all Democrats, and Republicans, Representative Keith Gillespie, Rep. Kate Klunk, Rep. Stan Saylor and Sen. Mike Folmer.

Sen. Folmer’s staff has promised his completed survey will be sent by the Wed. nite deadline, and sources close to Rep. Saylor advise us that they are optimistic his survey will be returned in time.

We realize candidates are busy.  But letting voters know their position on issues is an important part of campaigning.  Previous blog posts provide the survey and the memo that was sent to all candidates.  The usual response by the way, from candidates who fail to send this in when you ask them about it, is “I never saw that.”

If you are willing to help us in this work to improve our Value Voters Guide please telephone the office of any candidate or all of them to ask them to fill in this survey.  Give them the link to this article when they tell you that they never got the survey.

For the Survey PDF HERE or WORD FOR WINDOWS DOCUMENT HERE.  (10 questions, yes or no).  Use the PDF to handwrite your answers and send back to us by fax or if you scan your response then as an email attachment.  Or use the Word document if you want to type in your answers and then email it to us.  See the document for instructions on fax or email.

Memo from the York Conservative Christian Center Chairman to the candidates explaining this and asking them to participate is HERE.

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