Representative Seth Grove Confirms for Oct 6 Candidate Forum

Rep. Grove to speak at CCC Breakfast this Saturday, Oct. 6 (shown speaking at Oct. 5, 2013 Breakfast)

Grove to help Congressman Scott Perry Present “Statesman of the Year” Award to Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill at Breakfast this Saturday, Candidate Mike Jones Confirms to Speak

Pennsylvania State Representative Seth Grove has confirmed to speak at the “Candidate Forum” and annual Statesman of the Year Breakfast this Saturday morning at 8:30 AM at the Country Club of York.  He will join Congressman Scott Perry in helping present the Statesman of the Year Award to Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill, and with them will be available at the 8 AM VIP Coffee and Photo Op for those who purchase a table at the breakfast or who support the event as a Host Committee Member.  Buy a ticket to breakfast, a table or sign up for the VIP Coffee, HERE.

Rep. Grove, like Congressman Scott Perry, is himself a past “Statesman of the Year” of York County Action and the Conservative Christian Center.

Statesman of the Year Breakfast honoring Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill
Saturday, October 6, at 8:30 AM
Intro and Remarks by Congressman Scott Perry and State Rep. Seth Grove
Also CANDIDATE FORUM – all candidates invited to speak
New Value Voter Guide to be Announced with ratings of Candidates
At Country Club of York
VIP Coffee & Photo Op for Host Committee with Speakers for Table Sponsors, Host Committee
(see Eventbrite Page)
Only $5 admission for Pastors, students (must register & show ID at door)

Register to Attend:

Candidates are urged to show their interest in the conservative, church-going “values voters” by attending the breakfast and speaking, as well as answering the 10 issue-questions of the Candidate Survey before the Wed. nite deadline this week.

Candidates who we have heard from include: Congressman Scott Perry & Lloyd Smucke; State Senate candidate, Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill; for state representative, Dawn Keefer*, Mike Jones, Seth Grove* (*=incumbent).

Other candidates in York County who did not respond in the primary earned a score of zero.  The scoring system has been changed back to last year’s system where the score will be “A” (best) down to “C” (worst) with a “D” reserved for “did not respond.”

For information on the survey questions being asked and the letter sent by email to all York County candidates visit earlier blog posts in this space.  The full text of the invitation letter sent to each candidate is available long with the text of the 10 questions being asked (one click access at earlier post).

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