Speaker Lineup Nears Completion for CCC Sat. Oct. 6 Breakfast

York County Action and Conservative Christian Center Announce Speaker Lineup for Candidate Forum and annual “Statesman of the Year” Breakfast this Saturday

The speaker lineup for this Saturday morning breakfast at this point include (photo L to R):  State Rep. Seth Grove, U.S. Congressman Scott Perry, State Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill (“Statesman of the Year”), Dr. Ken Gibson, State Senator Mike Folmer, (2nd row) Richard Buck (Project Director, Uniformed Services League), Fredy Burgos (Project Director, Americans for the Trump Agenda), Emy Delgaudio (Breakfast Chairman), Ronald Wilcox (Executive Director, Secure America Alliance), Mike Jones (candidate for State Representative).  Register to attend HERE.  Candidates write to reserve your speaking time, York@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.

While our annual summer “Heritage Fiesta” has had co-sponsors for many years, this annual Statesman of the Year and annual Candidate Forum is having co-sponsors for the first time, and each of the co-sponsors are providing a speaker for short remarks.

Missing: all the Democrat candidates in York County (Zero attendance is a first), and GOP Representatives Keith Gillespie, Kate Klunk, Stan Saylor.  They have also not filled in their Value Voters Survey questionnaire and will all be marked “D” (did not respond) in the 4th edition of the Value Voters Guide to be distributed in York starting this Saturday at the breakfast.

Statesman of the Year Breakfast honoring Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill
Saturday, October 6, at 8:30 AM
Intro & Remarks by Congressman Scott Perry and State Rep. Seth Grove
Also CANDIDATE FORUM – all candidates invited to speak
New Value Voter Guide to be Announced with ratings of Candidates
At Country Club of York
8 AM VIP Coffee & Host Committee with Speakers for Table Sponsors, Host Committee
(see Eventbrite Page)
Only $5 admission for Pastors, students (must register & show ID at door)
Register to Attend:

For the Survey PDF HERE or WORD FOR WINDOWS DOCUMENT HERE.  (10 questions, yes or no).

Memo from the York Conservative Christian Center Chairman to the candidates HERE.

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