Conservative Christian Center Advisor and York County Action Chairman Emeritus Cohen Says this is a chance to help end the “War on Seniors.”

Conservative Christian Center does not endorse candidates or ballot initiatives but, we have been asked to pass on this message which is being circulated by one of our CCC Advisors, a Chairman Emeritus of York County Action, Ron Cohen. Ron did a superb job as the Master of Ceremonies at the annual Candidate Forum and Statesman of the Year breakfast of CCC and YCA at the Country Club of Washington, where we honored Congressman Scott Perry as our latest award recipient.
Ron’s message concerns the ballot initiative on the ballot on November 7.
High taxes on a residence, he says, is part of the “war on seniors.” It disproportionately focuses a tax burden on senior citizens who build equity in their house by a lifetime of monthly payments. It is patently unfair, he believes. Ron Cohen wrote about the opportunity tomorrow, Tuesday election day, to take a giant step towards eliminating this unfair burden on seniors:
“This is Ron Cohen. My message is directed to my friends who have been members, supporters or subscribers to York County ACTION and the Conservative Christian Center and to Church-going Christians.
“First, I have two (2) very important questions to put before you. If you had to choose between spending what money you had on needed food and medicine … or on paying your residential property taxes, which one (1) would you choose? And,
“Second, if you had raised your children for much of your life… and finally had the opportunity to retire and enjoy your home; but you still had to bear the full brunt of these taxes, would you think this is fair?
“Where is the justice? Where is the appreciation to our seniors for all of their many contributions to our communities? After all, they just want to be able to remain in their homes during the sunset of their lives, as we all would. Unfortunately…
“Thousands of our seniors across Pennsylvania faced with these choices, have lost…and will continue to lose their homes, unless this terrible inequity stops.
“Well, on November 7th, we finally have an opportunity to take a first step to reverse this “War On Seniors.” Spread the word to your family and friends … lets all “VOTE YES” on this ballot initiative. PLEASE. Do your part to help make this happen. It will be the right thing to do.”