PA Conservative leaders asked to fill buses to lobby in DC for Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court, Congressman Jim Jordan for House Speaker

Will you come to Washington DC on Sept. 26 to “rally for the Republic” with Congressmen Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Scott Perry, Dave Brat and Senator Ted Cruz?

FreedomWorks to provide one or more buses for PA conservatives, seeks conservative leadership and groups to step up.  Conservative Christian Center in York is first to say YES.

FreedomWorks has reached out to Pennsylvania Conservatives to join in a “Rally for the Republic on September 26 in Washington, DC to ask the U.S. Senate to confirm President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court, and to ask GOP House members to choose past Freedom Caucus Chairman, Congressman Jim Jordan, as the next Speaker of the House of Representatives.  The 11 AM to 1 PM rally will be addressed by Senator Ted Cruz, Congressmen Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Dave Brat.  Congressman Scott Perry has been invited to visit and speak to the bus riders at 3 PM before their return to Pennsylvania at 3 PM.

Requests have been made by the “Rally for the Republic” state coordinator to various conservative groups in Pennsylvania to help organize up to three buses of people to participate in the 2 hour rally on Wed. morning 11 AM to 1 PM in DC then cross the street to the Senate offices to meet their two U.S. Senators, Pat Toomey (R) and Bob Casey, Jr. (D).

(click on the flyer for the full size PDF)

Following those meetings the PA delegation will walk 4 blocks to meet their U.S. Congressmen to ask them to vote for Congressman Jim Jordan as the next speaker of the House of Representatives to replace departing Speaker, Paul Ryan.  FreedomWorks staff will lineup the actual appointments for the delegation with their Senators and with U.S. Congressmen from PA.

Conservative Christian Center, aided by the national organization Americans for the Trump Agenda, has made a commitment to fill a bus to depart from York, PA at the Round the Clock Diner on Rt. 30 next to I-83 at 7:30 AM (time/location subject to change).  The bus ride to DC and lunch is free, paid for by FreedomWorks.

Conservative Christian Center South Central PA Coordinator Ross Cleveland, whose organization was the first to make such a commitment, said “we’ll do our best to take advantage of this generous offer to PA conservatives and will try to fill one or more buses with enthusiastic conservatives to join them on 9/26 in Washington DC.”

Those who wish to ride this bus to Washington, DC must register by sending your name, address, telephone number and email to  The trip includes a breakfast snack on the way in provided by Americans for the Trump Agenda, lunch box upon arrival in DC provided by FreedomWorks, and a snack upon return, provided by Conservative Christian Center.  The bus will depart DC at 3 PM.

Congressman Scott Perry has been asked to address those on the bus before it departs for home from DC.  Not everyone on this trip will have had the time to visit his office but hopefully all will get to hear his “thank you message” to those who come on this trip.

Meanwhile, there is the possibility of an additional one or more buses to depart for DC from Mechanicsburg, Lancaster or West Chester.  Leaders of Faith & Freedom Coalition, the 912 Project, Lancaster Action and the Pennsylvania Family Institute, have been approached this week about helping to fill a bus for this 9/26 “rally for the republic.”  The deadline for their making the decision to participate is Friday but an extension has been requested until Monday.  Unknown at press time, whether the bus decision can wait.

For our readers as well as conservative leaders in Pennsylvania, lets review why you should take off a day from work and join us on Wednesday, September 26 for this “Rally for the Republic” in Washington, DC.  The organizer, FreedomWorks has invited Tea Party Patriots and Heritage Action to join as partners for this event.  The three organizations have jointly sponsored similar rallies in DC in the past and are considered the three largest grassroots conservative groups in America.

Why should your organization join as a Bus Host?

If you commit to helping us fill a bus – whether it is to send people to the bus departing from York or to help fill a bus in Mechanicsburg, Lancaster, West Chester County or elsewhere – you are showing leadership on what is clearly the most critical issue facing conservatives this year:

First, the choice of a Supreme Court Justice will be the pivotal vote taking the court away from the liberals for the first time, an making an impact for decades to come.  Is your organization really going to sit on the sidelines and watch to see whether Chuck Schumer is successful in blocking this nomination by a President who is clearly keeping his promise to conservatives?

When the bus is already paid for thanks to FreedomWorks, which is even including lunch, all you need to do is recruit your members to come to Washington, DC.  Is there any question that this crucial show of strength can help persuade Senators to confirm Kavanaugh, including our own two Senators from Pennsylvania?  If Bob Casey, Jr., has an interest in being reelected, perhaps a large enough crowd showing up at his office and meeting with him, will persuade him to abandon Senator Chuck “resist” Schumer and confirm Kavanaugh.

Second, the choice of the articulate and proven conservative, Congressman Jim Jordan as the next Speaker of the House, isn’t “insider baseball” as one conservative leader told one of our emissaries requesting his organization’s help.  It isn’t an obscure thing.

As Mark Levin put it recently, why isn’t the ENTIRE House of Representatives and GOP, a “Freedom Caucus”?  With the election of Jim Jordan, it will be.  If he becomes House Speaker, we’ll finally, for the first time since his stunning 2016 election thanks in part to his Pennsylvania victory, we’ll have an energetic champion of the Trump Agenda on the national scene.  Can you name one single GOP leader who consistently and repeatedly champions the conservative Trump Agenda?

Insider baseball?  The conference call of “Rally for the Republic” organizers of Wed. nite, had specific numbers shared.  We are happy to pass on, that polls of Tea Party Patriots, FreedomWorks and other conservative groups, show the following:

Congressman Jim Jordan as House Speaker would do more to rally conservatives to turn out to vote in the 2018 election than any other choice.  His selection as House Speaker would also give voters in the center more reason to turn out to vote and to vote Republican, than any other choices.

This information shared last night, in other words, demolishes two myths.

First myth, that when the Republican Party is “too conservative” it loses the center.  Not true.

Survey results showed that conservatives turn out in greater numbers and the center does as well, when the GOP stands up for conservative issues, as has been advocated long ago by Ronald Reagan.

Second myth, that when conservative groups and leaders speak about the choice of who will lead the House GOP, it is “down in the weeds” and just “insider baseball” not of interest to any of our supporters and activists.

The survey of supporters of Tea Party Patriots, FreedomWorks and other groups, shows more enthusiasm for Jim Jordan as House Speaker than any other issue or candidate in the history of polling, Rally for the Republic organizers were told in a 7 PM Wednesday night conference call.

And that leads to the question: how can any conservative organization, sit out the battle to determine who will be the next Supreme Court Justice and the next GOP House leader?

These are the two most visible issues facing this country in the 2016 election.  If an organization – whether it is a political party or a grassroots conservative group – really wants to impact public policy, this is it.

We are praying that we will see leadership step forward to help fill more than just one bus in York, PA.

We can get funding for one more bus, besides the one departing from York, PA.  Should it be departing from Mechanicsburg, PA?  Or from Lancaster, PA?  Or from Chester County, PA?  Wouldn’t it be great if we could get buses from all these locations?

As an aside, when several of the largest conservative groups in America go all out seeking to fill the seats of one or several buses, we do expect to see some new faces who have attended our local meetings.  Those folks will receive a regular e-newsletter in the future, at least quarterly.

Any participating “Bus Host” organization, will be entitled to have news of every function and event that they put on during the next year, be included in this future e-newsletter.  It will be a constant reminder, which organizations stepped up to influence the outcome in two of the most important battles of the last part of 2018, which will influence the outcome of the most critical battle – the 2018 election.

A final bulletin for conservative leaders considering whether to help with this “Rally for the Republic” or to sit it out and focus your attention elsewhere.

When your members are being reminded by those of us who joined in the battle and accepted the generous help from FreedomWorks and its partners for this September 26 “Rally for the Republic, of the words of Ronald Reagan – that we should hold up a banner of no pale pastels but vibrant colors, and then we’ll win elections in the future (1975 CPAC, and this writer was there to hear him say it), how will you rebut that?

Will you tell your disappointed supporters, that Ronald Reagan was wrong?  Or that you thought no one really cared about who got the tie breaking vote on the Supreme Court, and who the new House Speaker is?

Will you tell your supporters, it won’t make any difference if it is Jim Jordan, or a much more liberal, establishment Republican, who takes over as this highly visible and important House Speaker?

Urgent.  FreedomWorks has asked us to tell them if PA wants a 2nd bus by this Friday, and may be willing to wait until Monday.  What else do you need to know, to make a decision to go all out to help, to write to us to answer this call to leadership and either fill a bus, or help fill one?  If ever there was a “no-brainer” question asked of those who say they are conservative leaders in PA, this is it.

Can you help fill a bus to Rally for the Republic on 9/26?  Write to us before Friday.  Write to get in touch.  Be sure to provide your name, organization, phone number and best time to call.

For All of our Readers

We hope you can commit right now to riding the bus on 9/26.  We need to fill the York bus.  If we fill it up fast, it is possible we can obtain a second bus.  If we fail, the bus departing from York will be canceled and moved elsewhere.

The flyer has more details click HERE.

Depart from Round the Clock Diner at 7:30 AM on Rt. 30 next to I-83.  We will arrive in DC in time for the 11 AM to 1 PM “rally for the Republic,” to listen to Senator Ted Cruz, Congressmen Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Dave Brat and Senator Ted Cruz.

We are waiting for approval of our strong recommendation that our own Congressman Scott Perry be on the speaker list for the rally, and have invited him to speak to each busload of people at 3 PM before it returns back to York, PA.  After the rally ends at 1 PM we’ll head across the street from the Park (2 blocks from Union Station – where you can park if you drive your own car) to the Senate office buildings to visit our U.S. Senators.

All “lobby visits” will have a team leader selected by our leadership and smaller groups to stay together from the Senate visit and then the 4 block walk to the House side and the visits with GOP Congressmen from PA including Scott Perry.  Our return is scheduled for 3 PM load the bus, expected arrival back in York at 3 PM.

Breakfast snack and water will be provided on the bus ride in by Americans for the Trump Agenda.  The lunch when the bus arrives in DC will be provided by FreedomWorks and its partner organizations (most likely, Tea Party Patriots and Heritage Action).  A late afternoon snack and water will be provided on the return bus trip after 3 PM by Conservative Christian Center.

Optional is to arrive early before 7:30 AM to have coffee and/or breakfast with others who come early, at Round the Clock Diner.  And also optional, is to stay for diner at Round the Clock, upon arrival at or just after 6 PM.  Please note; the bus departure location and time, is subject to change after the bus company we use, provides us with its estimates of what is best.

To sign up for a free bus and be part of this historic “Rally for the Republic” please provide your name, address and phone to

Our first “tally-up” for the York Bus will be on Friday, 8/24 at close of business.  That is when we have to submit the names of those who have been approved to ride the bus, to FreedomWorks, for their final approval.  Please be sure if you are planning to come with us, that you let us know before that date by Thursday, 8/23 PM.  Write to us for a return call, if you have questions about this.

For leaders and for volunteers

Another version of this flyer will be done to include any other bus departure point and the names of other organizations supporting this “Rally for the Republic.”  If you are a member of another group or of a political party whose name is NOT on this flyer please call them and bring this to their attention and ask them about it.

Please join us in this Rally for the Republic on Wed., 9/26, for Kavanaugh-Jordan.  Take a stand in two of the most critical battles of 2018, which will affect THE most critical battle – who will win in November, 2018?

Ronald Reagan was right when he said the path to victory is to choose a banner with no pale pastels, but bold and vibrant colors.  That’s why we need you with us on 9/26 to Rally for the Republic, for Kavanaugh-Jordan.  Organization leaders, we need to hear from you by this Friday or Monday at the latest.

Conservatives, we need to know if you want us to hold one of the 55 seats on this bus departing from York on 9/26.

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