Four GOP State Representatives Urge Support for CCC

State Rep. Mike Jones and Dawn Keefer, and future Representatives Joe D’Orsie and Wendy Fink speak to York County Conservative Christian Center Meeting last Mon. 8/22

Senator Doug Mastriano (R) and Rep. Mike Jones (L) speak at Conservative Christian Center (York County Action eNewsletter) in the year each earned an “A” rating by their responses to the Value Voters Guide questionnaire sent to all candidates. Each has since praised CCC’s efforts to boost voter turnout in the faith community.

Four of the top conservative legislators and future legislators in York County and in fact in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania addressed the Working Group meeting of the York County Conservative Christian Center this past Monday, August 22, urging them to get active in the group and make  their presence felt on social issues and in the political world.

Future State Representatives (both the GOP nominees who defeated a more liberal candidate in the primary) Wendy Fink and Joe D’Orsie, and wrap up speaker Rep. Mike Jones, spoke to the Monday night meeting with remarks of  Representative Dawn Keefer (see below) read to the group.  A follow meeting of those willing to be on the “Working Group” is being held tonight, Wed. 8/31 to get to work.

Please join us tonight:
Wednesday 8/31/22
Conservative Christian Center
Working Group meeting
Lyndon Diner, 1353 Kenneth Rd., York PA 17404
6 or 6:30 PM (optional) dinner
(most who are coming will be at dinner at 6 PM)
7 PM working group meeting
8 to 8:15 PM board of directors meeting

As the Pew Research Foundation reports declining numbers of Christians voting in elections, declining numbers of Pastors speaking out to urge their flocks to vote with “an informed conscience” and as agnostics, atheists and Muslims voting increases, the York Chapter of Conservative Christian Center held at meeting with 29 participants to discuss a working group from which a future board of directors will be drawn.

The first meeting of the new Working group is tonight at the Lyndon Diner on Rt. 30 near Rt. 74, with 10 confirmed to attend, of which at least 5 will likely be appointed to join longstanding incumbent board member Robert Cosgrove.

Representative Dawn Keefer Remarks (full text)

I want to commend all of you for taking up the charge of a faith and freedom effort in our county.  We have become all too aware that people of faith and the churches can you longer afford to sit on the sidelines when it comes to government.

Elected officials get their power from the governed and take a public servant’s oath to serve those people.

If no one is there to hold them accountable there is a tendency to stray.  Public Service is a partnership.  There are two sides who must be accountable and for far too long the governed have been disengaged.

It is imperative for the governed to establish relationships with elected officials at every level of government to ensure their families their communities and their interests are being served with integrity.

Too many Christians have been shamed into hiding their “religion shields” in fear of offending, allowing polluted secular ideology to establish cultural foothold in the moral fabric of our communities.

We’re called to witness but how can you do this and hide your faith at the same time?

This didn’t happen overnight and it will not be fixed in a day.  It will take love patience, in tenacity to right the ship, but if anyone can do it it’s Christians and people faith.

I am confident there are far better Christians here than I but I want to offer myself as a resource and an ally.

As the community of faith, you chart your path you establish your priorities and you determine your expectations for government and then share that with your elected officials.

Let them know that you are engaged, and that you will help them, you will pray for them, and that you will also hold them accountable.  We all play a role here.  But hiding your faith while you play that role can no longer be an option.

(end, Rep. Keefer Remarks)

Meeting Agenda

FIRST, Who will help with the work for the Statesman of the Year and Candidate Forum?  By unanimous agreement Senator Doug Mastriano is being invited to accept the award.  Rep. Mike Jones will be the event chairman and present the award.  Will you help us organize this event?

SECOND, who will help CCC organize, print and distribute the 2022 issue of “Value Voters Guide”?  CCC has asked several candidates and a few others to advise us on any questions which should be added (and which, to make room, have to be removed).

THIRD, should the ratings (A=best, or B, or C for worst, with D for “did not respond”) be removed or kept?  Speaking to the group by “zoom” link (to a laptop) will be Ron Cohen for YES REMOVE and Ross Cleveland (NO, KEEP). The working group will immediately vote (in executive session) YES or NO.

IF YOU WISH TO vote on the above question but cannot attend the meeting and cannot join the Working Group you may write with a YES or NO Value Voter Guide Score, to York@ConservativeChristianCenter  The vote tally will be shared with the Working Group before it makes the final decision on this 2022 issue of the Value Voters Guide.

For latecomers… A voter guide has been published by the York Chapter of Action of PA (PAC) and then after its demise in 2015, and thereafter by the new Conservative Christian Center via a more “fancy” brochure, eNewsletter (York County Action), Facebook page, by mail to GOP super-voters during GOP primaries, and by half page ads in the York city newspaper.

With two key leaders of CCC from the past 8 years departing to live and work in Florida, can the York chapter muster up enough people to volunteer their time, to continue?  CCC had 29 participate in last Monday’s meeting to discuss that, and this followup meeting is set to get to work with 8 of them appointed to the York chapter working group and the new board appointments to be announced at this meeting.

A past York County Action eNewsletter shows how the Value Voter Guide with its ratings have been reported in the past.

From Nov. 1, 2020, 8 Candidates Win Top Rating on new CCC Value Voter Guide


8 Candidates Win Top Rating on new CCC Value Voter Guide

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