Conservative Christian Center Asks Supreme Court to Spank Lower Court Law Breakers

Final request to you to join us.

Stop Liberal State Courts from usurping Constitutional authority

of state legislatures

The Conservative Christian Center (CCC) and White House Watch (WHW) are finalizing their draft of a legal brief to be submitted to the United States Supreme Court asking them to stop state courts from usurping the Constitutional authority of state legislatures to draw district lines for Congressmen and state legislators.  19 individuals have joined CCC and WHW as “amicus Curiae” or “Friend of the Court” in a North Carolina case pending before the Supreme Court.  Five are from South Central PA and associated with the York CCC chapter.

The first draft of the Amicus is HERE.

If you would like your name to be added to with the 19 others you must write to tell us before Saturday, 8/27 at 5 PM, providing your full legal name, phone number and email.  Write

This North Carolina case is very similar to the failed court challenge to the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court, controlled by liberal-left Democrats, which rewrote the district lines drawn by the state legislature, and took away from Scott Perry, half of York County precincts which were solid Republican and replaced them with liberal voting Harrisburg city precincts, clearly aiming to defeat the popular conservative Congressman.

The Amicus Curiae legal brief argues that the language of the Constitution is clear: the power to draw district lines for legislative seats is clearly vested solely in the state legislature.  This similar case will be argued before a court that now has three Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices.

This case is also similar to the Supreme Court challenge to seating the electors of Joe Biden in the 2020 election, where Conservative Christian Center used the same arguments in its Amicus Curiae Legal Brief.  In that case and this new one the plain and unambiguous wording of the Constitution should have caused the Supreme Court to rebuked those who ignored the law for partisan, liberal-Democrat gain.

Asked at the recent “working group” meeting of Conservative Christian Center, what is the effect of adding the names of individuals to a legal brief, the answer is: we have the right to petition our government.  The Supreme Court is clearly, part of our government.  An “Amicus Curiae” or “Friend of the Court legal brief, is a splendid method of petitioning the Supreme Court.  More, it is about the only really effective way for ordinary citizens to petition the Supreme Court in a way that all but guarantees your petition will be read and considered.

The previously filed Amicus Curiae legal brief was one of only two accepted for filing by the Supreme Court out of many dozens which applied.  The rationale and arguments submitted to the court were used by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in his dissenting opinion (6 to 3 vote).

On the cover of our new brief (see for yourself, follow the above link) it says, “On Petition for Certiorari from the North Carolina Supreme Court.”

Thus far, every single candidate for office and officeholder in York County have not responded to our call for them to have their name added to this Petition.  We suppose they are all very busy.  Only a few – five – have stepped forward from York County or nearby in South Central PA, to have their names added.  This is most likely our last call.  This is to you, Dear Reader.  Write to us today to have your name added.

Those who have stepped forward to have their names added as “Petitioners” on this Supreme Court brief are:

Amicus (Petitioners to Supreme Court)

Richard Buck, National Project Director, Uniformed Services League****

Timothy W. Carr***

Dr. Roger B. Canfield, former Principal Consultant on Reapportionment for the California State Senate, 1980-1983, is the Executive Vice President of United States Intelligence Council*, ****

Emy Delgaudio, Chairman of White House Watch**

Ross Cleveland, South Central PA Coordinator, Conservative Christian Center***, ****

Robert Cosgrove, a director of York County Conservative Christian Center***

Dr. Ronald F. Docksai, former National Chairman, Young Americans for Freedom, Former top aide to U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch*

Lt. Col. Dennis Gillem, USA (Ret.), a Vietnam War Veteran, Chairman of the Veterans Advisory Board of Uniformed Services League*

Gary Giordano, Former State Representative from Arizona, Executive Director of House Watch****

Sant Gupta, Past Master of Ceremonies, Freedom Leadership Conference**, ****

Owen Jones, National Spokesman, American Conservative Agenda****

Joan Kehlhof, National Director, Freedom Center Foundation

James Logue****

Laszlo Pasztor***, ****

Professor Kevin Peterson (Major, USAF, Ret.), National Project Director, Conservative Christian Center*, ****

Dr. Robert E. A. P. Ritholz****

Jay Sexton, CPA, PFS, CF***

Sharon L. Shelley***

Jocelyn Tchakounte, National Spokesman, Stop DC and Puerto Rico Statehood**

Major General Paul E. Vallely, USA (Ret.)*

Nelson Velez, National Spokesman, American Conservative Agenda

Ronald Wilcox, a 2020 GOP National Convention Delegate, Secure America Alliance Executive Director****

Total 22

From South Central PA: 5

**=born abroad
***=South Central PA residents
****=were Petitioners in our last Amicus Curiae to Supreme Court

Please join us:

This Wednesday 8/26/22

Conservative Christian Center

Working Group meeting

Lyndon Diner

1353 Kenneth Rd., York PA 17404

6:30 PM (optional) dinner

7 PM working group meeting

8 to 8:15 PM board of directors meeting

Meeting Agenda:

FIRST, Who will help with the work for the Statesman of the Year and Candidate Forum?  By unanimous agreement Senator Doug Mastriano is being invited to accept the award.  Rep. Mike Jones will be the event chairman and present the award.  Will you help us organize this event?

SECOND, who will help us organize, print and distribute the 2022 issue of “Value Voters Guide”?  We have asked several candidates and a few others to advise us on any questions which should be added (and which, to make room, have to be removed).

THIRD, should the ratings (A=best, or B, or C for worst, with D for “did not respond”) be removed or kept?  Speaking to the group by “zoom” link (to a laptop) will be Ron Cohen YES REMOVE (requested but not yet accepted), and Ross Cleveland (NO, KEEP).  The working group will immediately vote (in executive session) YES or NO.

IF YOU WISH TO vote on the above question but cannot attend the meeting and cannot join the Working Group you may write with a YES or NO Value Voter Guide Score, to York@ConservativeChristianCenter.  The vote tally will be shared with the Working Group before it makes the final decision on this 2022 issue of the Value Voters Guide.

For latecomers… A voter guide has been published by the York Chapter of Action of PA (PAC) and then after its demise in 2015, and thereafter by the new Conservative Christian Center via a more “fancy” brochure, eNewsletter (York County Action), Facebook page, by mail to GOP super-voters during GOP primaries, and by half page ads in the York city newspaper.  With two key leaders of CCC from the past 8 years departing to live and work in Florida, can the York chapter muster up enough people to volunteer their time, to continue?  We had 29 attend last Monday’s meeting to discuss that, and this followup meeting is set to get to work with 10 of them appointed to the York chapter working group.


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