Final Call to Candidates to Answer Survey Questions

Robert Cosgrove (right), a member of the working group for both the May 5 and Sept. 30 candidate forum, tabulated the survey questions both times, shown here announcing the Candidate answers with their ratings, copy provided to all attendees “hot off the presses, on May 5. He commended Clyde Vedder, photo right, candidate for Court of Common Pleas Judge, for being the first to tell us he would attend Candidate Forum both times and for sending his survey early. Vedder earned an outstanding score of “B” for the primary and won the Democratic and Republican Party nominations. Bob wants it leaked early (now!) that Vedder earned an “A” rating to be announced on Saturday morning.

Saturday breakfast to announce Candidate Survey Responses of the Candidates and issue ratings.  Breakfast Tickets still available for purchase today

This is the last call to candidates on the November 7 election ballot to fill out the survey questions sent to them by email and by mail for the Value Voters Guide of Conservative Christian Center and York County Action.  The candidates answers will determine the rating from “A” (best) down to “D” (did not participate).  The ratings and their answers will be released at the annual Candidate Forum and Statesman of the Year Breakfast at the Country Club of York this Saturday morning at 8:30 AM.  Candidate Answers can still be sent to us by email ( or by fax (listed on the survey questionnaire).

You can read or download the complete survey (there are 10 issue questions, or 12 total for Judicial Candidates, and 13 background questions, HERE.

Tickets are still available to attend the breakfast,

If you have a favorite candidate on the ballot you would be doing them a favor if you forwarded this article to them to get their attention.  We do our best to do exactly that but at the May 5 Candidate Forum we still heard candidates say they didn’t know about our survey.  We use the email and street address they used to register as a candidate.  If you can help us get the attention of a favorite candidate we’d appreciate it and most likely so will they.

State Representatives Kristin Phillips-Hill (a candidate for State Senate in next year’s election) and Will Tallman (a past Statesman of the Year) have both confirmed that they will attend and help introduce Congressman Perry at the breakfast.  A total of 24 minutes has been set aside in for the “Candidate Forum” part of the program for local and statewide candidates who are traveling here to York to speak to us.


Last call for Program Ads, send your art (PDF or JPG) or the words you want us to put on your ad, to TODAY before 12 noon.

NEARLY last call … buy a ticket the annual Statesman of the Year and Candidate Forum of Conservative Christian Center and York County Action this Saturday, 8:30 AM.  $40 each, $75 (save $5) for a couple).

Proceeds from the Breakfast will be used to pay for the new Values Voter Guide with the ratings of candidates on the November 7, 2017 election ballot and the ratings (A down to D) to help persuade church-going people of faith to vote and to do so with an informed conscience.  Why not help us as a SPONSOR of this Breakfast – deadline if you wish to be listed in the program is 12 noon today.  Sponsor levels: platinum $1000, gold $500, silver $250 (all include 2 breakfast tickets), bronze $100 (no tickets).


The breakfast attendance has exceeded the size of the Terrace Room where it was originally booked and caused event organizers to scramble to find a larger venue.  Fortunately the Country Club of York had the larger ballroom available as ticket sales continue.  You can still get at ticket ($40 for one, $75 for a couple) HERE.

Below is the email sent to the candidates for state and local judge and for county office here in York County this past Monday by the Breakfast Coordinator:

I wrote to you two weeks ago about the breakfast for our “Statesman of the Year,” Congressman Scott Perry and “Candidate Forum” on Sept. 30 at 8:30 AM at the Country Club of York, PA.  More details attached & at our website.

I am writing today to ask you to take a few minutes to fill out our candidate survey – now reduced to just 10 questions that we will score with an “A” down to a “C” or a “D” for “did not participate.

We will distribute a brochure showing your answers and our score at Churches during the two Sundays before the November 7 election and at polling places.

If you already filled out the “personal” section for the May primary, no need to do that again, it is still on our website as you sent it.

Most of our questions are new, and crafted in consultation with legal counsel and candidates who gave us advice on what they can and cannot answer.

We need to be clear about this.  In our effort to increase the number of conservative, church-going Christians who vote, we believe issues are their prime motivator.  Their duty is to vote “with an informed conscience.”

Most people prefer to vote for candidates who they think reflect their values.

As a candidate, you have been invited to speak at our annual breakfast on 9/30.

Regardless of whether you can attend on 9/30 I hope you will take the time to mark your answer to 10 questions (two extra for judicial candidates).

The breakfast is co-sponsored by York County Action (YCA) & Conservative Christian Center (CCC).  Past Statesmen of the Year include Representatives Will Tallman and Seth Grove, Congressman Lloyd Smucker, Commissioner Chris Reilly.

The breakfast is a combination of “Candidate Forum” and awards event.  We invite all candidates on the November ballot to speak for up to 3 minutes each (we use the street address & email of when you registered as a candidate, plus repeated calls on all of our advertising, website, newspaper ads & releases).

I hope to hear back from you by Wed., Sept 27, close of business, in order to have your answers tabulated and provided to our Sept. 30 breakfast attendees.

Call if you have questions (we won’t list the phone publicly sorry) or

(end, letter sent to candidates this past Monday morning by email).


Photo caption

Robert Cosgrove (right), a member of the working group for both the May 5 and Sept. 30 candidate forum, tabulated the survey questions both times, shown here announcing the Candidate answers with their ratings, copy provided to all attendees “hot off the presses.  He commended Clyde Vedder, photo right, candidate for Court of Common Pleas Judge, for being the first to tell us he would attend Candidate Forum both times and for sending his survey early.  Vedder earned an outstanding score of “B” for the primary and won the Democratic and Republican Party nominations.  Bob wants it leaked early (now!) that Vedder earned an “A” rating to be announced on Saturday morning.

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