Conservative Christian Center Rates top 7 for Nov 7 ballot

Clyde Vedder, Laura Shue, Pam Gay are top York Candidates; Craig Stedman, Christine Fizzano Cannon, Wade Kagarise, Emil Giordana rated best for state judge

Value Voters Guide for November 7, 2017 election of Conservative Christian Center. See the full brochure/link at website, for their answers to our survey questions which determined their rating.  “A” is the top rating; “D” means “did not respond to survey.”

Conservative Christian Center has rated Clyde Vedder for Judge, Laura Shue for Recorder of Deeds, Pam Gay for County Coroner as the very best candidates on the York County Ballot, with Craig Stedman, Christine Fizzano Cannon, Wade A. Kagarise and Emil Giordano announced as a perfect “A” rating and the best statewide Candidates for Judge. 

Vedder and Shue spoke at both the May 5 and September 30 candidate Forum of Conservative Christian Center, while Stedman spoke at the September 30 event and Gay spoke at the May 5 event.

The Value Voters Guide – Candidate Ratings Only HERE

The Value Voters Guide Brochure (for printing or viewing, 2 sides, 8 ½ by 14)
Side 1 (brochure cover)
Side 2 (the candidates listing, survey answers & rating)

Donate to help pay for our work HERE.

The ratings were earned by the response of the candidates to a survey sent to each of them for the general election and announced at the annual Candidate Forum and Statesman of the Year Breakfast at the Country Club of York on September 30.  Congressman Scott Perry delivered the keynote remarks and was presented the “Statesman of the Year Award by State Representatives Kristin Phillips-Hill and Will Tallman.  The annual breakfast was co-sponsored by Conservative Christian Center and York County Action (now an e-newsletter and Facebook Page).

Other candidates appearing on the York County, Pennsylvania ballot on November 7 earned a “C” rating based on their responses or the lowest rating of “D” for “did not respond.”   Statewide Judge Candidate Paul N. Lalley earned a very respectable “B” rating, putting him in the top 8 tier for Conservative Christian Center rated candidates.

Other local candidates given a rating include: Court of Common Pleas Judge candidates Amber Anstine-Kraft (C), Judge Kathleen Prendergast (C), and Sandra Thompson (C).  Thompson, the sole Democrat, surprised many by the favorable response she earned from the audience of Conservative Christian Center attendees where she spoke at both primary and general election Candidate Forums on September 30 and May 5.

Thompson, spoke movingly of her faith and actually beat Amber Anstine-Kraft in the secret ballot voting at the May 5 Candidate Forum presided over by popular radio talk show personality Gary Sutton.  Three of the court candidates for Court of Common Pleas share a “C” rating with Sandra Thompson, in contrast with the “best” rating of “A” earned by Clyde Vedder.

Two of the four candidates for Court of Common Pleas Judge won the GOP and Democrat Party nominations and are considered virtually impossible to beat – Judge Kathleen Prendergast (C) and attorney Clyde Vedder (A).  That leaves Sandra Thompson and Amber Anstine Kraft fighting it out for the third vacancy on the Court of Common Pleas.  Thompson spoke at both Candidate Forums (actually the word is “Fora” for detail oriented and attorney readers).

Of the “A” rated candidates for statewide office, Judge Cristine Fizzano Cannon and Lancaster District Attorney Craig Stedman both spoke at the September 30 Candidate Forum (and Statesman of the Year breakfast, honoring Congressman Scott Perry).

We thank all of the candidates who showed their interest in the value voters, the conservative, Church-going Christians whose votes in Pennsylvania provided the margin of victory to swing this state for Donald Trump and make him President.  We hope their votes will reward the best candidates tomorrow, November 7.  We ask our readers to please share the information contained in this news bulletin by email, message posts on Facebook, by telephone.  Please help us turn the votes out.

You may also reprint the brochure – it is 8 ½ by 14 inches, 2 sides – at your nearby Staples or any other printer for handout at your nearest polling place tomorrow, election day.  We thank those who have already done exactly that at Churches and made this information available to those they go to church with.

The “Value Voters Guide” was first distributed to attendees at the September 30 Candidate Forum and Statesman of the Year Breakfast at the Country Club of York.  The CCC South Central Pennsylvania Coordinator Ross Cleveland, thanked the candidates who participated in the survey or one or both of the Candidate Forums, and especially those whose financial contribution enabled us to print this election brochure.  An earlier edition of the guide was distributed during the primary campaign of May at Churches and in front of polling places.

We regret that at this moment the final cost of this effort remains unpaid.  We are short $400 of the over $3,000 of expenses for this fall campaign to turn out conservative, church-going Christian voters.  The expenses included display ads in the Community Courier newspaper, a mailing from past York County Action Chairman Jay McKiernan, a postcard mailing by past YCA Chairman Ron Cohen, 13 e-newsletters and website posts for the nearly 500 subscribers and members of CCC in York County.  If you can help with your credit or debit card you may make a donation HERE.

Conservative Christian Center recieves no funding from any political party but is completely financed by voluntary donations of people like you.  We are an independent, non-partisan organization which focuses on the issues of interest and concern to conservative-minded, church-going Christian voters.  If there is any question of this please

The sad fact is that today an increasing number of agnostic, atheist and Muslim citizens are voting while a decreasing number of Church going Christians are bothering to vote.  Many of the Christians who vote have no idea that they are supposed to vote with an “informed” conscience.  Our mission is to increase the numbers of church going “informed” Christians who vote.  We can only work on this goal with the help of friends who agree with us.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help you may write:

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