CCC Releases Questionnaire of 17 Primary Candidates

Best of the Best. Lt. Col. Doug Mastriano, the GOP nominee for special election for state senate; Rebecca Warren, State Superior Court Candidate, Julie Haertsch, candidate for County Clerk of Courts (all photos at CCC Candidate Forums). We urge you to read through every Questionnaire sent in by 17 candidates, especially the Faith Statement. But these “A” ranked candidates are considered the best of the best and included in the May 21, 2019 Primary Election edition of the CCC Value Voters Guide, distributed at Churches yesterday (Sun.) and more to be given out in front of voting precincts on Tuesday (write if you want to help and need some brochures).

Conservative Christian Center and York County Action provides full Questionnaire for 17 Primary Election Candidates this Tuesday

The Conservative Christian Center has provided the full Questionnaire for the 17 Primary Election Candidates on the ballot this Tuesday at its website today, including their “Faith Statement” which is not rated or graded.  Scroll down to the end of this article to find the link the questionnaire response of each of the 17 candidates. 

The 10 questions under “Philosophy and Faith” each had a 0 to 10 rating given, based upon the conservative, pro-Christian philosophy of the Conservative Christian Center.  Contrary to criticism made by many Democrats and some Republicans, CCC does not reward those who follow a particular religious point of view, although the question on “do you attend church regularly” is worth 0 to 10 points. Its a a binary choice with this question, unlike others, ie. you either do, or do not, “regularly” attend Church). 

Yesterday’s post included a link to both sides of the new Value Voters Guide (the 2nd press run being done right now eliminates the typo). Write if you need copies to hand out in front of your precinct. See yesterday’s edition (link in the article) if you missed this.

Nor does CCC employ a lie detector to see if each candidate answered truthfully, but simply passes on to you Dear Reader, the full Questionnaire in this latest post, and in yesterday’s post the ranking of candidates, “A” thru “D” based upon their response or lack of a response (yesterday: Conservative Christian Center Value Voter Guide Released).

We strongly urge our readers to take the time to read through the candidate responses, including the many answers which were not rated but which may influence your vote.  Those questions include an entire Section, “Background and Experience, with #8 asking, “What are your most significant lifetime work accomplishments,” #9 “What are your most significant lifetime achievements,” #10 “What do you wish to accomplish if you win the office you are seeking.”

Judicial candidates were also asked two additional questions under the heading of “Philosophy and Faith,” including “rate your judicial philosophy on a scale of 1-10 with a ‘living document’ approach being a ‘1’ and ‘strict construction’ or ‘originalist’ a ‘10’.”

The Questionnaire includes a space for the candidate to sign to affirm that these are their beliefs, and another place to show their website for those who wish to read additional information on that candidate or make a donation.

The Conservative Christian Center never misses the opportunity to remind you Dear Reader, both members and subscribers, that it is the solemn duty of church-going Christians to vote, and to vote with an informed conscience.

A few times, we hear complaints, “why Christians?”  It is a sad fact that the number of church-going Christians who vote in elections and who bother to participate in public policy issues continues to decline while the number of voters who are Muslim, atheist, or agnostic, continues to increase.

Despite it not being “politically correct” we remind our readers that America was founded by church-going Christians, and that their faith guided how they created and worded the Declaration of Independence and later the Constitution.  It guided them to create a country with roots in the Judeo-Christian beliefs of Western Civiliation.  And it remains true today, that the safest place on earth to practice the religion – or even non-religion – of your choice, is America and the countries which are still governed by people of the Jewish or Christian faith.

(involvement in public policy matters includes: writing a letter to your Congressman or state legislator about an issue, writing a comment post on your Facebook page about same, attending a meeting to listen to a speaker on a public policy matter).

We are thankful to the candidates who took the time to fill out our Questionnaire, and hope you will carefully read through it.  And feel free to visit their website or even write to the candidates whose comments you most agree with.  Thank you.

Conservative Christian Center especially thanks its York County chapter board member, Robert Cosgrove, for all of his good work in preparing and uploading to our website, all the pages of each Candidate Questionnaire.”  He has done this as well as the Tabulation of the survey to determine the numeric score for several years.  This numeric score – up to 10 points for each question, with 100 points maximum for candidates and 120 maximum for judicial candidates, determines the rating – “A” for best down to “C” for the lowest ranking and “D” for “did not respond” – the easiest to compute.  The system we use is “googleable” – for example, 90% or better = “A” rating. 

There is no difference in the rating for a candidate whose answers give them the lowest possible score of 0 (we actually had none – since checking “attends church regularly” earns you 10 points) versus the candidate who answered correct on 6 questions (because they either did not answer 4 or they gave the wrong answer on 4). 

That is the same as the high school or college student who answered 60% correct but still got an “F” on that test, as did another student who got only 10% correct.  And our “D” rating is similar to the student who did not show up fo the test and got the teacher’s worst rating as a result.

While the Conservative Christian Center does not endorse or oppose candidates for office (as a non-profit organization recognized by the IRS), we are an interest group – our interest being proclaimed clearly in our name, Conservative Christian Center.”

Prothonotary Candidate Allison Blew

Register of Wills Candidate Pam Nicholson

Clerk of Court Candidate Julie Haertsch

Clerk of Court Candidate Barbato Arvonio

Sheriff Candidate Shane Becker

Sheriff Candidate Rich Keuerleber

County Commissioner Candidate Ronald Smith

County Commissioner Candidate Julie Wheeler

County Commissioner Candidate Chris Reilly

Judge for Common Pleas Candidate Sandra Thompson

Judge for Common Pleas Candidate Jonelle Eschback

Judge for Common Pleas Candidate Matt Menges

Superior Court Judge Candidate Rebecca Warren

Superior Court Judge Candidate Megan King

Superior Court Judge Candidate Christy Lee Peck

Superior Court Judge Candidate Daniel McCaffery

PA Senatorial District 33 Candidate Doug Mastriano

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