Conservative Christian Center and York County Action to Announce Candidate Ratings, Welcome 9 Candidates on the May 21 Primary Ballot at Free Candidate Forum
The Conservative Christian Center and York County Action will Announce Candidate Ratings and welcome the 9 Candidates on the May 21 Primary Ballot who will attend to appeal to the church-going, faith community in York County, PA at a free “Candidate Forum” this Friday, May 10. There will be a secret ballot vote for attendees to choose their favorites (rate 10 for best, 0 for worst).
PHOTO: Colonel Doug Mastriano, USA (Ret.) speaks at the 2018 primary Candidate Forum co-sponsored in Cumberland by the local Conservative Christian Center and 912 Project Club. He is now the GOP nominee in the State Senate special election May 21.
The free Candidate Forum will be at the Ten10 Community Church, 2550 Pine Grove Road, York PA 17403, right off the I-83 Leader Heights Exit (go West from the exit, then turn right onto Pine Grove Road, a very short distance).
Confirmed to attend are nine candidates on the May 21 Primary Ballot including three past favorites:
Colonel Doug Mastriano, who has earned an “A” rating when he ran for Congress and was very favorably received at the Candidate Forum co-sponsored by Cumberland County 912 Project and the Cumberland Conservative Christian Center, is now the official Republican nominee for the special election on May 21 to fill the State Senate vacancy for the 33rd District, which includes parts of York County. Mastriano is a combat veteran as well as a book author and accomplished speaker on national security issues. He has been recognized by his recent appointment to the Retired Military Officers Advisory Board of the Uniformed Services League.
Julie Haertsch, who has run for countywide office in the past with an “A” rating as listed in the York CCC “Value Voters Guide” and is now seeking the GOP nomination for Clerk of the Court for York. Julie is a member of the Conservative Christian Center, has been on the Planning Committee for a past Statesman of the Year Breakfast and has spoken about her philosophy and beliefs at several CCC functions. Julie has also been a grassroots supporter of various conservative causes for many years and is exceptionally popular with the CCC leadership who she has supported and helped.
Sandra Thompson, the Democrat County Vice Chairman for York County, who actually finished in the top three spots in the secret ballot at a past CCC Candidate Forum, when she ran for one of three Judge of Common Pleas after her presentation (as voted by secret ballot), despite receiving a lower “C” rating. Tthe Republican she defeated did not attend the Candidate Forum and earned a “D” for “Did not Respond” on the Value Voters Guide). Sandra surprised most of the establishment Republican class by her victory in the secret ballot. Unlike some other candidate who chiefly stick to the e4 formula – “I am experienced, educated, and will be efficient and effective” – Sandra spoke about how her philosophy and religious beliefs would guide her conduct as a Judge.
Additional candidates who will attend the May 10 Candidate Forum: Rebecca Warren, Judge of the Superior Court; Blanda Nace, County Commissioner; Pam Nicholson, Register of Wills, Dan Byrnes, Clerk of Court, Barbato Arvonio, Clerk of Court, Shane Becker, Sheriff.
The traditional, concluding Prayer for all candidates will be led at the end of the event just before 9 PM by CCC Chaplain and Adviser, Dr. Ken Gibson, who has been doing this at our functions for over 15 years.
CCC Advisor Ron Cohen, a past Chairman of the Lancaster County Action, will once again be the Master of Ceremonies and will also deliver remarks on “The duty of Christians to vote with an Informed Conscience.” Like Gibson, he has played an active leadership role like this for over 15 years in York County.
To help you bring your conscience to an “informed” state we will present BOTH the “oral arguments” (for the candidates who want to speak to you that is, by being there) and also the “written arguments” in the form of the Values Voter Guide.
If you would like additional copies of the guide, please let us know in advance and we will try to print extras for you. Everyone at the event can take a batch but if someone wants a larger amount it would be best to let us know in advance.
And if you can donate to help us pay for these brochures please bring your checkbook. Folding money is great but, we expect it won’t be enough to pay for a large number of our Value Voters Guide.
The Value Voter Guide will also be available electronically, to be sent by e-newsletter to our subscribers and will be posted at our website (https://conservativechristiancenter.org) and at our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeChristianCenter). We urge our members and subscribers to pass the Value Voters Guide along to others electronically or by picking up copies at the Candidate Forum on May 10 to give out at their own church, to friends, co-workers and on election day in front of their precinct.
There will be a reserved seating section at the free May 10 Candidate Forum if you write to let us know you are coming (and how many seats): York@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.