Watch this Trailer for the movie Unplanned

Join Conservative Christian Center for a “Night at the Movies” this Saturday, learn the story of this former abortion mill clinic supervisor

The Official Trailer! In theaters everywhere March 29. Join friends from Conservative Christian Center in a “night at the movies” triple play of activity giving your business to 3 family-friendly, value voters oriented local businesses – Hobby Lobby, Chik fil-A and this movie at the West Manchester Shopping Mall and nearby, on Saturday afternoon & evening, March 30.  Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation.

Pre-order NO FEE tickets here:

All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices. Until the day she saw something that changed everything.

Watch the movie trailer, click above image or HERE.

Join us Sat. night:

Movie & Christian-Friendly Retail Stores Recommend by
York County Conservative Christian Center
Sat. 3/30 “a Night at the movies”
Hobby Lobby Browse/shop
460 Town Center Dr., York PA 17408
5 to 6 pm—West Manchester Mall (look for red MAGA caps)
Chik fil-A dinner or snack
922 Loucks Rd., York PA 17404
6 to 7 PM—on Rt. 30 about 5 min. from I-83 & from Theater
Unplanned the Movie
7:20 PM, Regal West Manchester Stadium 13
455 Town Center Drive, York PA arrive 10 min early sit together

Flyer (8 1/2 by 11) for the movie Unplanned, Movie Night 3/30 with Conservative Christian Center in York, PA

Read yesterday’s story:

The movie Unplanned Captures your heart and never lets go”; Join Conservative Christian Center for a “Night at the Movies” this Saturday;

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