York City Mayor Michael Helfrich, Senator Mike Folmer, Rep. Kristin Philipps-Hill, County Commissioner Chris Reilly and Congressional and State Legislature Challengers to mingle and speak

Breaking News … Mayor Michael Helfrich of York City will attend and speak at tomorrow’s 7th annual Heritage Fiesta “bring a dish” picnic. Together with the DJ with music, legislators and candidates for office and a legion of entertainers bringing song and dance this will likely be the best event ever. Don’t miss it – Sat. 7/21 setup 10 to 11 AM, food served 12 noon including burgers, hot dogs and drinks we provide and program starting 12:30 PM.
For the third year, this Heritage Fiesta is co-sponsored by Conservative Christian Center and York County Action.
Can you pick the one who is not running for office but who holds office and is a past favorite of York County Action and Conservative Christian Center?
Can you pick the one who doesn’t hold office but wants the job of last year’s Statesman of the Year?
Do you see the one who has been nominated to be this year’s Statesman of the Year (hold the date: breakfast 8:30 AM at Country club of York, either 9/29 or 10/6)?
Can you pick out of this lineup, the State Senator who is our keynote speaker tomorrow?
Photo Left to right:
Keynote Speaker, State Senator Mike Folmer, Mayor Michael Helfrich (York City, won as the GOP nominee), State Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill (nominee for 2018 “Statesman of the Year”), County Commissioner Chris Reilly (past “Statesman of the Year), Mike Jones (candidate for state rep.), 2nd row: George Scott (Democrat seeking Congressman Scott Perry’s seat), Emy Delgaudio (Philippine American Heritage Council Chairman), Ross Cleveland (Conservative Christian Center South Central PA Coordinator), Ronald Wilcox (Executive Director of the non-profit parent organization of CCC and PAHC, Ron Cohen (Chairman Emeritus of YCA, Advisor to CCC).
Candidates are asked to keep to LESS THAN 3 MINUTES EACH except for the keynote speaker (5 minutes). Stay tuned for other candidates who will also meet and mingle.
Not shown, Judith Higgins, a surrogate for Stephen Snell (both Democrat candidate for legislature).
The big hit of every year’s picnic – besides grilled burgers and hot dogs provided and the other Heritage Dishes of our guests – are the heritage dance troupes, including KalayaanUSA (the filipino word for “freedom”), Bongga Ka Day, Hala Halo youth dancers and more – plus a DJ with music.
This really is shaping up to be the best Heritage Fiesta annual “bring a dish” picnic we have ever had so don’t miss it. And don’t forget to bring a lawn chair because we may be short seating if we fill up the two pavilions we have again booked for this year.
Comments, questions: York@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.