Co-sponsored by Cumberland County 912 Project, Cumberland County Action, Cumberland County Conservative Christian Center

A Candidate Forum in Cumberland County is being held tonight (Tuesday, 10/30) at the Carlisle Fire & Rescue, 177 Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013, co-sponsored by Cumberland County 912 Project, Cumberland County Action, Cumberland County Conservative Christian Center, from 6:30 to 9:30 PM.
The purpose of the Candidate Forum is to the presentation of Democrat & Republican candidates for potentially all political offices listed on the County Ballot. including Governor, Lt. Governor, US Senate, US Congressional Districts #10 and #13, PA Senate #30, PA General Assembly Districts 86, 87, 88, 92, 193 and 199
Questions from audience and from the organizers will be asked of each candidate, with emphasis on contested races. A Survey has been sent to all candidates and will be available for the public, along with a Straw Poll by the audience at the end of the evening.
This is the fifth Candidate Forum for the general election that Cumberland 9/12 Project has sponsored. We expect a lot of interest from the public in this particular Forum, particularly Congressional Districts 10 and 13, PA House 86, 87, 92, 193 and 199, and PA Senate 30.
It is the second time that a Cumberland 9/12 Project organized Candidate Forum has been co-sponsored and supported by Cumberland County Action and Conservative Christian Center.
The York County Conservative Christian Center held its Candidate Forum together with its “Statesman of the Year” breakfast on October 6, with most of the Republican and several Democrat candidates for office present to speak. Congressman Scott Perry, last year’s “Statesman of the Year,” presented this year’s award to State Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill, a candidate for State Senate.
The Cumberland 912 Project, Cumberland County Action, Cumberland County Conservative Christian Center, York County Action, York County Conservative Christian Center, and Lancaster County Action, co-sponsored a “rallyPA” bus to Washington DC in September to lobby for Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court and for Congressman Jim Jordan for GOP House leader.
Bret Crans and Connie Bierzonski are leaders of the Cumberland 912 Project which is the main organizer of tonight’s Candidate Forum. Bret is also a founding leader of the “rallyPA” project in September, which will plan future trips to Washington DC to lobby for conservative causes. Another “rallyPA” leader also working on tonight’s candidate forum is Ross Cleveland, the South Central PA Coordinator for Conservative Christian Center.