A Call for Courage Author Michael Anthony to Speak Saturday

With Christians facing increasing persecution, Michael Anthony to speak at Conservative Christian Center Breakfast this Saturday to tell you what you can do

Limited number of free and low cost Breakfast Tickets are still available.

Noted author Michael Anthony will speak this Saturday morning at the annual Candidate Forum and Statesman of the Year Breakfast of the Conservative Christian Center at the Country Club of York at 1400 Country Club Road, York PA from 8 AM (doors open) to 10:30 PM.  Candidates for office on the November 5 ballot have been invited to speak.

Michael is the author of A Call for Courage: Living with power, truth and love in an age of intolerance and fear.

Michael Anthony is a thought leader, author, and award-winning speaker with a mission to motivate and teach people how to live with power, truth, and love at the precise time when weakness, arrogance, and fear are running rampant.*

To reserve or donate https://2019statesman.eventbrite.com

LIMIT FIRST 25: Attend free (use passcode CCCfree

LIMIT FIRST 25: Attend for only $10 (use passcode CCC10

Or pay your own way $30.  Discounted to $55 for a couple, and further discount for a table of 8

Michael’s life has been filled with adversity, including multiple brushes with death, a battle with cancer, and surviving several kidnapping/luring attempts as a child. Through his speaking and writing, he uses the lessons he learned from these experiences to show audiences how to exercise what he calls “courageous humility” by overcoming adversity each and every day. He believes America is at a critical point in her history, and that nothing less than a massive uprising of courageous humility will move our lives, families, communities, and nation forward. Michael seeks to replace America’s destructive diatribes with healthy dialogue so that common sense replaces nonsense, and truth and love replace lies and hatred.*

(* = from his website)

York County Action Chairman Emeritus and Adviser to the Conservative Christian Center, Dr. Ken Gibson, recommended Michael Anthony last year as a CCC speaker (Gibson is President of the Keystone Bible Institute) .  He and York CCC Chairman Emy Delgaudio read his book and are very excited to recommend Michael Anthony as our speaker and suggest you buy his book this Saturday.

“No one is born courageous” his book says, “but everyone hopes courage will come.  Here’s how to stand strong.”

Michael Anthony says that “our nation and our world are increasingly hostile to our beliefs and values.”

“Even the basic freedoms that define America – speech and religion – are under attack,” he continues.

“The result is that many of us have become fearful, apathetic and detached.”

Michael Anthony’s book is terrific and can very well serve as the mission statement of the Conservative Christian Center in York County.  His mission is to teach courageous humility.  He’ll start sharing this with us on Saturday morning at our annual breakfast.

We’ve asked Michael to address the CCC mission of how to vote with an informed conscience and what that means.  Having him do this, using his book as his source material, will be a challenge.  How to share so much good work in such a short time is the challenge.

Our leadership is already so excited to hear that he will speak at our breakfast that he’s been nominated as the 2019 or 2020 Statesman of the Year.  We do not know anyone in York County, Pennsylvania, who has better articulated the mission of the Conservative Christian Center, than Michael Anthony.

We have very limited space at the Saturday morning breakfast and a limited number of discounted breakfast tickets including some that are free.  We strongly urge our readers to reserve your ticket immediately.

Reminder: We are offering free seating at this breakfast for Pastors in York County – and while space is available we will seat you with CCC Adviser and YCA/CCC Chairman Emeritus, Dr. Ken Gibson.  Advance Registration required, use the Eventbrite link and also write to York@ConservativeChristianCenter to be seated at our special Paster’s table.

Student rate – you can’t beat free.  While the tickets last.

New friends welcome – we have 25 free tickets and 25 tickets at $10 each available.

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