Conservative Christian Center runs entire Value Voter Guide as paid ad on page 11 of today’s York Daily Record as response to critics

Here is the half page ad which appears in today’s York Daily Record on page 11 with this year’s Value Voter Guide, containing the answers of the candidates who appear on the general election ballot this Tuesday. This is the ninth year of such a Guide, and the third year that rankings are given based upon the answers of the candidates, which range from the top five candidates with an “A” or a “B” ranking and the lower score of “C” or “D” for did not respond.
Yesterday’s e-newsletter edition had one error. We received several candidate survey responses after the May primary election edition. They came in too late for our first printed brochure of the general election edition, mailed out to thousands of GOP “Super Voters” (who voted in the most recent 4 primary elections). Their initial non-response earned them a “D” rating.
The later response of these candidates – and these are all Democrats – earned them the higher “C” rating. We are sorry for the mistake, caused by receiving their survey so late. The later brochure (which is available for bulk distribution right now) that was printed, and this half page ad in today’s York Daily Record, are the accurate and latest edition.
We thank the candidates who did respond to show their interest in the conservative-minded, church-going, value voters of York County. The others who used either the “it is unethical to answer” excuse or the “dogcatcher rule” (I cannot answer because your question does not relate to the job I seek), have our best wishes but we must honestly say, many of our voters are looking for candidates who are willing to speak out for their values.
Here’s the ad from today’s York Daily Record, page 11 – go out and buy a copy and show it around. And send this around too.
Please consider a donation. We can really use your help. The Conservative Christian Center is the only organization of its kind in York County. Today’s newspaper ad costs money. With the continued smears directed at CCC for this kind of work – the circulation of blatant falsehoods about CCC and its leaders – we may have no choice but to retain legal counsel to defend our free speech rights. Consider mailing a donation or visiting our website with your credit card in hand to make a donation. Freedom isn’t free. Do your part.
To volunteer to help write Provide your name, phone number and best time to call.
The Editors
P.S. We don’t claim that the Value Voter Guide, should be your only source of information. We are grateful to the candidates who came to our Candidate Forum to speak to our group and meet those attending. If you can obtain other information to help balance the answers to the 10 questions we asked the candidates (and two more, for the judicial candidates), that is fantastic. Please consider our Value Voter Guide in making your final decision when you vote this Tuesday, November 5. We hope you find it helpful.