Has been on Fox TV and many other national venues to warn about threat to local autonomy and individual freedom posed by the U.N. inspired Agenda 21 scheme
Our guest speaker who is coming to York, Pennsylvania this Saturday for a free event at 7:15 PM to speak about the United Nations inspired and instigated scheme to take away freedom and local autonomy from the people of York County and from communities across the land, has been a frequent guest on radio and TV shows and across the country. We share with you in this post his appearance on Fox TV with host Eric Bolling, speaking about Agenda 21.
Tom will speak at the Upper Room Missionary Church, Missionary Room, 1401 Williams Rd. across from York Galleria, York, PA 17401 at 7:15 PM, with doors open at 7 PM. The free event asks for a suggested (optional) $5 donation to cover the room rental and speaker expenses. To view the full size flyer (and print it out if you wish to share it) click HERE. To make a commitment to be a sponsor (see below details) and join us for dinner with the speaker at 6 PM at the nearby Red Robin Gourmet Burgers write RSVP@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.
Also speaking will be Ross Cleveland, the South Central PA Coordinator for Conservative Christian Center, and Monica Seitz, the program coordinator for Conservative Christian Center, York County CCC board member and past board member of York County Action, whose work CCC continues. Cleveland and Seitz will be joined by fellow CCC York County Board members Emy Delgaudio and Robert Cosgrove as Hosts of the free event this Saturday.
Tom Deweese, author and speaker, has been President of the American Policy Center for 31 years and has appeared on Fox news, and has either written in or been written about in Newsmax, the New York Times, the Washington Times, the Michael Reagan Show, on the Eagle Radio Forum with Phyllis Schlafly and many more. Articles by him or about his work have appeared in the Arizona Republic, Human Events, World Net Daily, Insight Magazine and many more. Books he has written include Erase (political fiction), Agenda 21: the Wrenching Transformation of America, Now Tell Me I was Wrong (a collection of his articles from the past 15 years). His informative website is HERE.
Ron Maxwell, the Director, of two fabulous movies, Gods and Generals and Gettysburg, said of Tom Deweese, “The articles in his newsletter have been relentless, providing, not only the details of the threat, but also the solutions… Tom takes a stand for a strong, sovereign United States.”
Larry Pratt, Executive Director, Gun Owners of America, said of him, “Tom DeWeese has been in the forefront of the defense of freedom and property rights for years. His information is reliable and provides much needed ammunition for the intellectual battles being fought to restore constitutional government in America.”
“He is one of the most dedicated and consistent freedom advocates I have ever known” said Richard Delgaudio, author, businessman and writer, who first worked with him over 35 years ago when he helped him relocate to the Washington, DC suburb of Northern Virginia from Ohio.
Legendary singer and actor Pat Boone said of him, “Our country should always feel a great debt to people like Tom DeWeese… who literally make(s) it their business to monitor what Washington is doing, where big government is taking us, and alerting us that “we the people” can still be in charge, if we’re informed and active. Keep it up, Tom!
For nearly 20 years Tom Deweese has traveled the United States speaking out and warning Americans about Agenda 21, a scheme created by a horde of non-government organizations and designed to take away local autonomy and freedom in the name of the environment and what they call “sustainable development.”
As Deweese explains in the Fox TV interview which accompanies this article, starting at the United Nations Level, to the federal government and down to county and towns, there are unelected, under the Agenda 21 scheme, local boards of unelected bureaucrats are put in place to dictate what we can and cannot do with our property. They take power away from elected officials and from the citizens who elected them.
Tom details how this scheme is being implemented in this interview on Fox TV and will go into more detail in his presentation this Saturday in York, PA, answer your questions and have a literature booth at the venue with additional information for those who are interested.
Deweese, who is driving up from Virginia, will arrive early to have dinner with the Conservative Christian Center board of directors for York County and those who are willing to sponsor his appearance and help pay the expenses of this function.
Tom Deweese will come to York this Saturday to address the question “How the liberals’ ‘sustainable development’ kills your freedom”. Deweese is an author, has spoken before live audiences across the United States, and is considered the foremost scholar on the Agenda 21 threat to freedom and local autonomy in the name of “saving the environment.” His hundreds of youtube videos have attracted a national following for his work as President of the American Policy Center (APC) for the past 31 years. Deweese has appeared on many hundreds of radio talk shows and has authored many issue papers on the Agenda 21 topic which are available at his website HERE.
Conservative Christian Center is seeking several Sponsors to help fund this appearance and invites Sponsors to join us for a private dinner with Tom Deweese and the Board of Directors of Conservative Christian Center prior to his speaking at 7:15 PM. The dinner will be at 6 PM promptly at the nearby Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, York Galleria, 1500 Mt Zion Rd, York, PA 17402. To reserve a seat at our table, please email your reservation request to: RSVP@ConservativeChristianCenter.org. Dinner is “dutch treat” for sponsors and for the board (with us paying for the dinner of our guest of course). Sponsors are asked to bring their sponsorship check to the dinner: Platinum $500, Gold $100, Silver $50.
You may click on the image above for the 8 ½ by 11 flyer (PDF) which can be viewed on your computer and/or printed out to share with others. Please help us be successful with this event by inviting others to join us, sharing this information with others using Facebook, your email, phone calls.
Tom Deweese’s books, videos and literature will be available at a literature table this event before and after his speech.
Hosts for the event are the York County Conservative Christian Board including Robert Cosgrove, Monica Seitz and Emy Delgaudio along with the South Central PA Coordinator, Ross Cleveland. We hope to see you there on Saturday night, either for dinner at 6 PM as a sponsor or for the free event at 7:15 PM.
Donations to help fund this event and the work of Conservative Christian Center in York PA can be made electronically HERE. Checks may be mailed to Conservative Christian Center, Freedom Center – 2159 White Street, Suite 3-149, York PA 17404. For the free e-newsletter send your name, email address and your zip code: Subscribe@ConservativeChristianCenter.org.
To read the previous article on this topic click HERE.