

The Conservative Christian Center goal is to increase the number and influence of Christians in public policy and civics, including participation in the election process of choosing legislators and government executives in the United States and to promote and conserve the Christian traditions of America.


CCC aims to increase the influence of American Christians – those who actually put their faith into action and are not merely Christians in name only - on the outcome of public policy issues including legislation, the execution and enforcement of laws and regulations affecting the practice of faith and rulings by the courts, at the local, state and federal level.

CCC recognizes that there has been a reduction in the number of Church going Christians who vote in elections with a corresponding increase by atheists, agnostics and Muslims.

CCC wishes to conserve the Christian tradition in America, which since the rise of Christianity has given the world societies which best preserve religious plurality, maximum human freedom and the highest standard of freedom of any society in the history of the world.

These worthy goals are best accomplished by increasing the participation of Christians in public policy and civics, including voting in elections with an informed conscience and with an understanding of the differences between candidates on the issues of paramount concern to them – which is faith in action.

We need greater numbers participating at the ballot box and to work together to influence public policy in between elections.  We need to increase the participation by Christians in self-government, to render unto Caesar that which is his, while keeping our focus on eternal and transcendental values and our Godly heritage and destiny.  These are the purposes and goals of the Conservative Christian Center and we hope that you will join with us to achieve them.